February 25, 2017

Love it - Love it - Love it By Vickie Stam

I carry my notepad from room to room. It needs Wi-Fi to breath. But when something goes array there's no amount of medical training on my part that can resuscitate it. For that reason - pen and paper must follow. They're partners. They stay together. I can't have one without the other.

Being inseparable like that reminds me of a time when my husband and I were staying at our home in Florida. Some friends of ours had family visiting with them for a week. They were inseparable. When our friends came to visit us, they brought their company with them. For their company, it was their first time in our home. Upon stepping through our front door, our friend's sister yelled, "Love it - love it - love it! My heart skipped a beat. She loved the paint colour, all the natural light, the large windows and the glorious view.         

That's exactly how I feel about writing. The view from my eyes can be written down for the world to see. There's more than one word to describe everything. Emotions, colours, joy, pain, and anger. The things I touch, smell, and eat. All of this can be shown to a reader when I breath life into it.   

It's true, my writing has not been read by many. But if you ask the "Google" master to find my stories, he will find a few. I'm not well-known. I haven't signed one autograph. My name hasn't been splashed across the front cover of a book in giant gold letters, like John Grisham. Still, I write. Why? Because I love it! 

I've come to understand that words will always invade my head morning, noon or night. They're not on a clock. There's no schedule for them. When God hangs the moon at night, they don't sleep. That means that I don't sleep either. 

My stories are not governed by time. Their governed by God, the one who inspires me to write. God breaths life into my stories. He calls me to write. And a story born.

Writing has a way of turning the bad things in my life into something good. Words transform past hurts from pain into healing, they keep the memories of lost relationships from forever fading away and the lives of those who have been called to heaven, alive in my heart. 

Writing and I are inseparable.  



  1. "There's more than one word to describe everything." That really is the essence of being a writer vs writing things down, isn't it? Your wording that your notepad needs wifi to breath is a perfect example. Always more than one word, more than one way. Describes our Lord too, I think. Good post, Vickie.

  2. "Describes our Lord too." You are so right! I love how every writer sees something different in every story. More words used to describe the same story. Love it!

  3. Wonderfully encouraging. I feel many of these same things... stories don't sleep...

    1. You too -- I think it's safe to say that most writer's feel their stories tugging on them during the night.

  4. "Words transform past hurts from pain into healing" - this is exactly why I write. God redeems and gives hope through the words.

    1. Yes, Marnie...my writing also began because I needed healing. A lot of my writing still focuses on things that I need healing from but it is a wonderful way of moving past the hurts, forgiving someone, even yourself. I've written about my own life experiences and then had the privilege of reading my story at a women's retreat. Some of the ladies could relate to my situation. Writing has opened a door for me in my life.

    2. I agree with you and Marnie that words transform pat hurt from pain into healing. Words are beautifully cathartic as we allow God to work through our minds into our writing.

    3. God has a way of getting us through. Writing for me began many years ago inside the pages of journals. How about you?

  5. I've been tempted on more than one occasion to step through someone's front door and cry out, "Love it - love it - love it!" You've given us a wonderful image to convey your own exuberant joy of writing.


  6. I love your enthusiasm, your way with words, your trust in God for inspiration, and the way you have connected with us, your readers. Oh, and your new photo. You've put a smile on my face, and I thank you.


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