September 03, 2016

My Goals Then and Now by Steph Beth Nickel

These were my goals from January 2016. This is how I've done.
Lady Reading

Spiritual Goals

Digging into God's Word and spending time in prayer daily are at the top of my list. These goals are still at the top of my list, although I must be more deliberate about making them a priority. Personally, I find reading through one book of the Bible at a time and prayer journalling the best ways to stay on track.

Writing Goals

~ three devotionals per week for HopeStreamRadio (Writing for HSR is an honour, and I hope to be able to do so for years to come.)
~ one book review per month for HSR (This hasn't happened. Next year, I'll likely make it a quarterly goal.)
~ Deb's book proposal (to be completed by mid-February at the latest) (Although it wasn't done by the middle of February, it was eventually submitted to the publisher, who is interested in seeing the manuscript when it's done. This is a follow-up to Deb Willows's memoir, Living Beyond My Circumstances. We have tentatively titled it Still Living Beyond My Circumstances.)
~ posts for this blog and my website (This is still on my "to be accomplished" list. I will have to create a schedule or this goal will continue to get pushed back.)
~ guest posts for Christian Editing ServicesKimberley PayneInScribeJanet Sketchley, and the InScribe Professional Blog (I have kept up with my guest posting. I find it easier to write for others than for my own sites.)
Keyboarding 2

Editing Goals

~ keep up with my current projects (I must devote more time to a major project I've been working on for some time now.)

Skills Development Goals

~ listen to at least one COMPEL Training podcast each weekday (check)
~ participate in the COMPEL FB group (Check out the Friday Five posts on Mrs. Disciple's blog. And yes, I know I have more than five goals, but I know she'll be gracious and allow me to link to this post. :D) (I've participated in the critique group but haven't participated in Mrs. Disciple's Friday Five.)
Book and Lilacs

Reading Goals

~ read from fiction and nonfiction books Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (I read several days a week, not just on the weekends.)
Meeting Online

ROW80 Sponsor Goals

~ visit my ROW80 peeps once or twice per week (This is an accountability group I belong to. I stop by and cheer on some of the others at least once per week.)
Woman and Barbell

Fitness Goals

~ incorporate one new healthy habit per month (This hasn't happened, but I want to incorporate it from now until the end of the year and then into the new year as well.)
I know some people feel discouraged if they don't accomplish everything on their To Do list. My goals, however, are in a constant state of flux. How about yours?


  1. It sounds like you are on track to me, Steph. Good work! You inspire me. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Don't you hate auto correct sometimes? I posted this comment using my phone... of course I meant Steph not Stephen!

  3. Yes, a constant state of flux! But so good to read how you are focusing on what you are completing to which is the wind that keeps the propeller moving I believe!

  4. I like the way you have broken your goals into categories, Stephanie. I tend to think this way too. More on that in a few days. As for your concluding question, I do know that some of my goals have been on my list too long. Some of my goals are on-going and that is okay, but I need to have a prayerful look at other goals and see how I can move more quickly toward accomplishing them or asking God to show me if certain goals need to be dropped or changed.


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