September 25, 2016

Goals by Vickie Stam

A lot of people I know have goals. Some even call it their, "bucket list." It all sounds exciting to me and l long to hear all the details of how or even if they reached their goals.

I must admit that my writing goals haven't really been reached so far this year. I would say it's a combination of the twists and turns of life these past nine months and my lack of enthusiasm. I've let too many other things get in the way. Building a new house has stole some the thunder for me as I'm more focused on that project right now.

Needless to say in the middle of all the chaos, when I least expected myself to shift back into writer's mode I decided to take a writing class. What was I thinking? A question I've asked myself more than once since I registered for the class  in August. Even so, when I'm not writing, I'm always thinking about what I should be writing.   

My class begins next month. Once a week I'll be making the hour trek to get there. It will be my first attempt at an intensive writing class. "Not for beginners." Those words both enticed and frightened me.

The eight week course will have me writing or expanding on four pieces of writing whether they are four separate pieces or ones that are tied to each other by way of a novel. First thing that came to mind was all the memoir's that I have written and the goal I once had of putting them together. The book I dream of writing. 

This could be the first step in reaching that goal. I've also been thinking about some stand alone pieces that have been collecting dust in my closet. As you can see, I'm sitting on the fence with that right now. A little undecided but gearing up for my new challenge.

I look forward to what the next couple of months have in store for me. I know God has a plan and I will be praying and listening for his direction.  




  1. Good luck in your course

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love this quote by Martin Luther King: "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." You have taken the first step,Vickie. I'm pulling for you. And I'm sure that I'm not the only one cheering you on.

  4. Way to go for signing up for a class-I found that registering is a great motivator. I relate to your style of writing, life happens and sometimes writing does not. All the best with the class-I hope you love it!


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