September 27, 2016

Your Event Here!

Did you now that the 27th of each month is set aside for promotion here on the 'Inscribe Writers' Online' blog? There was a lot of activity leading up to fall conference, but now that the conference has ended, we are looking for items to fill this slot.

If you have a book event, a book launch, or some other book-ish event that you would like to share, make sure you contact the blog moderator in time to get it on the blog. (tracy[dot]krauss[at]gmail[dot]com)

In the mean time here are some pictures from Inscribe's 2016 conference.

Janette Oake presenting the new award begun in her honour

Janice Dick - the first recipient of the Janette Oake award

VIP day's guest speaker Carolyne Aarsen (and Tracy Krauss)

Bobbi junior receives the 'Leadership' award

Barnabas award winner Eleanor Berton (right)

Tools for Authors panel

1 comment:

  1. This is lovely to see, Tracy, from one who missed this. Thanks.


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