September 29, 2016

How To Make Your Days Count As A Writer by Bob Jones

They say time flies because you’re having fun or aging. I must be having a fun time growing old because, Mr. Scott, it feels like the year is flying by at warp speed.

You can’t slow down time but you can make the best of your time. Setting goals is one of the best ways I’ve found to make my life count for something great. Reviewing my goals regularly is a way of making my goals count.


I’ve been setting professional and personal goals for over thirty-five years. Only in the past two years have I set writing goals. December is typically my goal-setting time. I dream my goals up, pray my goals in, write my goals down and start living in the direction of fulfilling them.

Every day is my goal watching time. Every single day.

Typically, I don’t share my writing goals with other people. So the rest of this post is a bit of a risky departure for me.

Will people think my goals are too small? Too audacious? Not audacious enough? Inspiring? Boring?

My new behavioral goal is vulnerability so here goes.

My Goals For 2016:

#1 Write two blog posts/week every week of the year.
#2 Reach an average of 1,000 views/day on my blogsite by December 31st.
#3 Publish six articles in my denomination’s national magazine.
#4 Publish one article in a national Christian magazine.
#5 Publish one article in a national newspaper.
#6 Publish sixteen articles in local papers.
#7 Enter my book, “Ornament” in the Word Guild’s Writers Contest.
#8 Sell the rest of the copies of my book.
#9 Read six books on writing in the year.

Reviewing my goals daily in January is done with a lot of optimism.  Reviewing them daily in April is a combo of thrill, chill and anxiety. 

Reviewing them in September is a reality check.

So, how am I doing?

#1 – On track.  Check
#2 – No where close. The one day I had 1760 views was a guest post.
#3 – 3 articles published so far.
#4 – Zero articles submitted.
#5 – Zero articles accepted.
#6 – Ten articles published so far with four months to go.
#7 – “Ornament” was awarded “Best Life Story in 2016” WOW!
#8 – Sold 2630 with 870 to go.
#9 – I’ve read two books to date. “Bird by Bird” A. Lamott and “The Writing Life” by A. Dillard

What are your goals for the rest of this year?

Robert (Bob) W. Jones is a recovering perfectionist, who collects Coca-Cola memorabilia and drinks Iced Tea. His office walls are adorned with his sons’ framed football jerseys, and his library shelves, with soul food. He writes to inspire people to be real, grow an authentic faith in Jesus, enjoy healthy relationships and discover their life purpose.


  1. I absolutely love this line: "I dream my goals up, pray my goals in, write my goals down and start living in the direction of fulfilling them." (And I'm a big Star Trek nerd from way back in the 70s so any references there are always fun!) Excellent post!

  2. Oh, and I forgot to add - being vulnerable is a good thing. I love the 'lofty' goals and the fact that you set them for yourself, even if some of them haven't come to fruition.

  3. Thank you Pastor Bob for your risky departure in sharing your writing goals. Putting ourselves in a vulnerable position by sharing our goals and evaluation can be good for the one who shares so honestly and a lesson in strength, a gift, for those of us who read your goals and can identify with your struggles.

    Congratulation on winning the Best Life Story in 2016. I have read your book and I agree that it was an excellent/best life story. I have read and appreciated the two books you mention, and I've shared them with others.


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