August 22, 2016

For the Love of Writing! By Alan Anderson

James 1:17 (NIV) Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

"I believe that God made me for a purpose. But He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.”  This is a line from the film “Chariots of Fire”.  James Liddell is talking to his sister about his purpose.  He knows that God wants him to be a missionary.  He is also convinced God made him a runner.

I have always loved running.  When I was a younger guy in high school I loved track.  I’m not saying I was a great runner.  I never had coaches courting me because they thought I was a top athlete.  I never came close to breaking a record or won a medal.  I just loved to run.  No one gives you a medal for your love of a sport.

In my younger years I would envy those who were recognized for their outstanding skills.  I knew other young people who were really talented runners.  I loved to run and knew I couldn’t keep up with the great ones.  They always outdistanced me.  I ran anyway.

What was it about running I loved?  I believed running was something that gave me pleasure.  During those years I wasn’t aware I could give God pleasure.  Especially when it came to long distance or cross-country running there was a sense of freedom.  There was always someone to compete against as well.  If I was running a three-mile cross-country race my main goal was to finish.  The runs could be grueling and painful.  I never quit however.

I approach my writing like I did my running.  I can’t keep up with the great writers but I still love it.  For all the pain it can be to write I love it.  I love words and what writers do with them.  I love the words that come to me.  In my stories I feel God’s pleasure!

I love the letters that make up the words that help me write my stories.  Every letter has its place and is so unique.  I love how some letters are straight and some have curls.  Don’t you just love the little curls of the letter “e” and “s”?  Those tricky guys we know as “m” and “w” can almost imitate each other when they are upside down.  That’s so funny!

As writers we get to play with words.  That is such fun!  As writers we also get to nurture words so they know exactly how they can live with others.  This nurturing results in our stories, our plays, poems, etc.  The pain or struggle involved in writing is worth it.

When I was a young guy who loved to run I was wise enough to know I needed a coach.  I’ve always thought that the men I had as coaches realized I would never be an Olympic star.  They encouraged me anyway.  I thank them for that.

As a writer I am aware I need coaching.  I have the honour to be writing with some accomplished writers.  They are some of my favourite teachers (coaches).  I receive critiques from them and take to heart what they suggest.  It’s awesome!  I’m over sixty and still learning a wonderful craft.  Just like when I would train as a runner I am in training as a writer.  It is all for the love of writing!



  1. Great post, Alan. I can see your growth as a writer even since you started blogging here. Plus, your enthusiasm is infectious! Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Tracy! Your encouragement means a lot to me. You gave me my first opportunity to post on a regular basis. I enjoy it and I'm happy you see growth in my writing. Take care!

  2. Hey Alan! I like your blog and the idea of writing just for the joy of it echos in my heart. For me, finding out that my writing connects with someone else just doubles the joy, so I hope you feel that lilt in your heart as you read this!

    1. Hi Ruth! Yes, I feel the lilt and thank you for the encouragement. It is indeed a thrill when people connect with my writing.

  3. I love your comparison of how you feel about running with how you feel about writing--the pain, the excitement, the joy of putting one foot, or one word, in front of the other to help you reach a goal. You are willing to be open toI do the suggestions coaches or fellow writers give you. I too find we can learn so much from others. I see you growing in confidence as a writer. Ruth and Tracy are not the only ones who enjoy reading your blogs and catching your enthusiasm. I do too. Thanks,Alan.

    1. Hi Sharon! I find you to be a great encouragement to me as. I appreciate you notice the growth in my confidence as a writer. Thank you for enjoying my posts. Isn't writing just a ton of fun? It is to me and I appreciate you sense my enthusiasm. Take care Sharon!

  4. Keep writing, Alan. Your delight in putting words together is infectious. We encourage one another and learn together.

  5. "In my stories I feel God’s pleasure!" That's a great perspective, Alan. If we focus on that, then what good things we accomplish. Yes we would like an accolade or two - or someone requesting our books by the score, but oh what joy it surely is when we can say we feel God's pleasure when we write! Keep 'running' Alan. Your writing and outlook is invigorating!


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