August 27, 2016

Fall Conference Just Around the Corner

Are you excited? I hope so! Inscribe's annual fall conference is the highlight of the year for many of our members - as well it should be. It is a fantastic time of fellowship, networking, and growing - not to mention it's a lot of fun!

There is still plenty of time to register, easily done on our brand new revamped website. 

Another great opportunity this year is the special VIP Day being held the day before the conference. Here's more:


Are you interested in attending the InScribe Fall Conference this year, but…? Maybe you’ve been hit hard due to circumstances related to Canada’s current economic climate? Maybe you don’t have the time to attend for the full weekend? Maybe any other gazillion reasons why a busy writer might need an alternative to a full two-day conference.

We’ve thought of that. We’ve considered there are many things that may prevent you from attending the 2016 Fall Conference, so we came up with an option that we hope will suit your needs!

Introducing… VIP Day! This is a stand-alone pre-conference event that is sure to provide great value for aspiring writers! Do you want to gain more confidence as a writer? Add more tools to your professional development toolbox? Move to the next level? VIP Day is for you!
The goal of this event is to help authors put together pieces for their platform: head shots, one sheets, news releases, elevator pitches, etc. Plus, you will get to hear from keynote speaker, Caroyne Aarsen, on moving from Backwoods Writer to a Contract with a New York Publisher!

This event is an excellent add-on to your full conference experience, however, if time and/or money is an object for you, consider registering for the VIP day session only. You will benefit greatly from the experience.

VIP Day registration deadline is September 1, 2016. Seats are limited to the first 20 participants, so don’t wait! Register today:   

1 comment:

  1. This VIP day idea is really exciting. I wish we'd had it back before I went through all the hoops of publishing Reluctant Caregiver. I was such a newbie, I had no understanding of what the publisher was asking of me, and got quite frustrated at times. VIP day would have made such a difference!


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