December 15, 2015

Shine! Tracy Krauss

I am dating myself, but I couldn't help hearing an old 'Newsboys' song from the early nineties in my head when I read this month's prompt. (The 'real' Newsboys when Peter Furler was still the lead singer...!) The chorus goes like this:

Make 'em wonder whatcha got. Make 'em wish that they were not on the outside looking bored. Shine. Let it shine before all men. Let em see good works and then, let em glorify the Lord.

If you want to hear the song here is the rather strange video that goes with it courtesy of Godtube: SHINE music video  (Do it! It's fun!)

Anyway, the point has less to do with a blast from the past and everything to do with the profoundly simple message in this song. GOD CHANGES LIVES. Even the most unlikely candidate can come to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Our job is simple. As His ambassadors, we are to 'shine' His light so that others may turn to Him.

This has special relevance at this time of year. People are much more likely to accept the message of hope, joy, peace and forgiveness that Christ brings, than at any other time - even Easter. Hearts are soft and ears are open. Let Jesus' light shine through you this holiday season. Make them wonder what it is that is different, and then be willing to share the good news, not only of the baby in the manger, but of the victorious Saviour who is forever glorified. Amen. 

Tracy Krauss is an author, artist, playwright and teacher living in Tumbler Ridge, BC. Back in the day, she and her husband led a Youth Group in Saskatchewan where she was introduced to the Newsboys, subsequently cultivating some strange musical tastes.  


  1. Shine? You know, Tracy, I find it a lot easier to shine around those I choose to be around, vs. those I must be around. Christmas is the time for family gatherings - the time for poking those old hurts and making new ones. I'm going to take your message and make it my song this Christmas season. I'm not going to get pulled in. I'm gonna SHINE!

  2. Love that song and yes...may we shine for Jesus! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. Thanks for the wonderful reminders. "God changes lives." And we are to shine his light for other to see.

  4. Anonymous9:30 am GMT-7

    Haven't listened to that song 'Shine' in a long time. Made me create a shining smile! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Anonymous8:59 pm GMT-7

    I love this post! Thank you for the reminder to Shine :)

  6. Shine. It occurs to me that we can make this as simple or as hard as we choose and it all depends on our attitude. Thanks for the reminder ... and I haven't heard that song in years. Takes me back ...

  7. I've been humming it now for over a week... !

  8. So true, Tracy, that at Christmas, people are more willing to accept the Gospel message. "Shine" is a great song to remind us to do so. Yes, I remember those Newsboys days. I didn't know that living in Saskatchewan could cause someone to cultivate strange musical tastes. That explains why I have those same strange tastes. Thank-you Saskatchewan (and I mean that in a good way because that's still my home.)

  9. Thanks for the reminder to shine and the reminder that people really are looking for joy, peace, hope, and love, especially at this time of year. I don't think that I have made that connection, but I believe it is true. We don't need any grinches, unless transformed, to spoil Christ's birthday for anyone. If we allow God's Spirit into our lives, we will be filled with, and exude, love, joy, peace, and hope. We will shine! Bless you, Tracy.


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