December 18, 2015

My Christmas Wish List - Gloria Guest

When we were children my sisters and I waited with anticipation every year for the Sears Christmas Wish Book to arrive. We would then spend hours poring over the toy section choosing our favorite toys and what would finally end scribbled on our wish list for Christmas.

We never received everything on our lists but mom always managed to get us one of our favorites near the top of the list. I no longer remember the things on my lists that I never received. Even at a young age I was aware that mom had sacrificed and created some sort of miracle for me to have the special toy I did get. Mom’s choice was always perfect.

As an adult my Christmas wish list no longer comes from the Sears catalogue but instead it comes from my heart.

This Christmas of 2015 I wish

-that my family will be happy, healthy and blessed

-that all of our problems will have perfect solutions

-that there will be no unresolved, painful conflict in our extended families

-that there will be peace in my heart, my family’s hearts, in our communities, country and in the world
My list could go on but I figure that there are some pretty big items on that list.  Just as I used to hand my mother my Christmas wish list, I now hand my list over to God. God is perfectly capable of providing for every last desire but He knows best just what I need. If He chooses to leave something off my list I can relax knowing that there is a reason and enjoy what He did give me. This Christmas I am very happy that my family is all happy, healthy and blessed. I’ve received my top of the list wish!

I doubt all of our problems will have perfect solutions or at least not the kind I expect. And there are some ongoing conflicts in our extended families that aren’t going to disappear. Instead God has asked us to hope and persevere with those things throughout another year.

As for peace he promises to fill my heart with as much of it as I have room for. That is a work in progress. From that place God wants me to share with my community, country and the world. One way I do that is with my writing. This past year I was given some gifts in my writing life that I wasn’t expecting; a chance to start a Creative Writing class through the University of Toronto has expanded my knowledge and given me a thirst for more; meeting new people through Inscribe both on line and through the fall conference was another surprise gift that has been a huge encouragement. 

God always gives the best gifts; the best surprises. Many Christmas’s ago He sent His Son Jesus. Everything else on my list somehow falls away when I unwrap that One. God sacrificed everything to create a miracle for me not just on Christmas day but every day. God’s choice is always perfect.


  1. Thank you once again for a moving and personal post Gloria! The spirit of your writing resonates with my heart in a most comfortable way. I am a work in progress as well! Blessings of Christmas on you and your family my friend!

  2. Thanks Alan. It's nice when my writing resonates with someone. Christmas blessings to you too!

  3. I love this message, Gloria. We can shoot for the moon when it comes to asking God for our wishes, but you've balanced it with the reality of who God is, and how his answers are perfect for each of us. Very well thought-out!

  4. What a loving and inspirational post, Gloria. You had me sitting up and paying attention from the visual of you and your sister poring over the Sears Wish Book. My sister Joan, who passed on October 30 this year, and I used to do this too. We knew the things we wished for were way beyond our parents' financial status too, but we could look at the items and dream. Our parents always knew what we really would delight in and that's what we got.

    If they could give good gifts to us, how much more would our Father in Heaven give us good gifts. (Matt. 7:11) Then there is this message in Ephesians 4:20: "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen"

    Thank you for this beautiful devotional this morning, Gloria.

  5. Thanks Bobbi & Sharon for reading and your always encouraging words. I think this time of year we are all made more aware of our longings for things to be perfect as we would consider them perfect but God who sees everyone in the equation and not just ourselves has a better way...Loved your verse Sharon. I had meant to include a verse but didn't so this one is perfect.

  6. Thanks for your uplifting words, Gloria! I have found that God really does give more than we even expect, and I believe you will find that, too!


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