December 28, 2015

A Revelation about Revelation

In my November 28, 2015 post, I wrote about the large print New Testament I received for Christmas  in 1970. Being able to read the Bible for myself rather than have somebody read it to me was a spiritual boon.

John MacArthur's Grace to You broadcast of December 22 resurrected a memory of something I learned twelve years ago but I hadn't associated it with Christmas before.

Revelation chapter twelve begins with an image of a woman clothed with the sun and with the moon under her feet and on her head was a crown of twelve stars. Satan, described as a great red dragon, wanted to "eat" the child as soon as he was born. From the context and the metaphorical language, we can tell that the child who was to rule the world with a rod of iron is none other than our Lord. Additionally, the entire book is, as John aptly put it, the revelation of Jesus Christ.

The birth of Christ was no ordinary event. The miracle of the virgin birth is just one facet of this pivotal event in history. It fulfilled many Old Testament prophesies and showed the heavenly Father's great love for humanity, as John 3:16 states. All the saints of old looked forward to the Messiah and we now marvel at his majesty.

Thanks to excellent Bible scholars, we learn so much more from God's Word. Satan seeks to corrupt our understanding but our Heavenly Father gives us ammunition to refute those lies. This is why discipleship is crucial for new believers.

My prayer is that God will lead young Christians to my blog where they can receive the mentoring I never had when I was young in the faith. Your prayers for my ministry, such as it is, are greatly appreciated.


  1. You make an important point, Bruce. We hear the miracle of the Christmas story so often that we lose sight of the supernatural elements, those described in Revelation in such strange word-pictures. May we never lose our wonder at how God has reached out to man. I add my prayers to yours, that those needing discipleship will be drawn to your blog. You do an important work. May the Lord honour that.

  2. Anonymous8:17 am GMT-7

    I pray God will be with those who are led to seek and are mentored by your writings. Thank you for the work you do.

  3. So glad for this purpose in your blog, Bruce. May God continue to give you words to help and heal.

  4. I read a few of your blogs, Bruce, and I join you in praying that others who need this message about the true Word of God will happen upon your blog. Blessings to you in the New Year, and may God guide you in getting your writing published, Bruce.

  5. Your kind heart and your words will reach the youth that you care for, Bruce. God bless you, brother.


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