January 06, 2015

To Plan or Not to Plan. That is the Question

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your 
hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Phillipians 4:7

 As I think about the road I travelled last year and how it seemed full of great intentions, I start to beat myself up. I had plans. My day book had filled to the brim. It overflowed with my plans, my ideas, my goals. I took on writing related activities that I thought were meant for me.  I got some writing done, although not enough to satisfy me. I attended two writer's conferences, spoke at a few events, presented workshops. But I still couldn’t accomplish all that I had wanted or planned to do in my writing life. There was not enough time. My Dad had a heart attack. My son-in-law was diagnosed with testicular cancer. My husband had a bone marrow aspiration to confirm a diagnosis of leukemia.  I still had to visit the cancer clinic. 

     Why Lord? Those things were not in my plans. I soon realized I wasn't going to be able to check off my entire to-do list. Of course, my writing was put on the back burner. 

As I look back I sometimes wonder why God gave me such a passion to write if He wasn’t going open wide some doors.  I think about how I try to be a faithful servant doing God’s will. Shouldn't that mean I could have a few doors opened?

     Then I feel a little whisper in my heart. Something about how the gift is there for a purpose. How I will write at precisely the right time. How, if I would be still and listen, HIS perfect plan for my days will unfold. God has also reminded me over the past months, that He has not added to my burdens. He has, rather, given me many reasons to hope and a thousand opportunities to count blessings.

     As I look over the precipice of this new year, I can’t see very well. I wonder if I should lean further into the fog. Maybe then I could see better and have an idea of what might lie ahead. But I feel a heavenly arm holding me back. I keep wishing my new day planner would get here soon (I ordered such a pretty one in the mail). Then I could start making my plans for this year.

     Then I notice my stone in the living room: Trust me Child. I have it all under control. Love God – it says. I love it. I try to learn from it. Maybe, instead of rushing to fill my planner, I would be better to fill my heart with the Word of God, seeking scriptures on trust and timing and waiting upon the Lord. Then He will clear the fog and show me when it is time to take a leap of faith.

  Oh, I believe God wants me to have plans – I hope it includes those two books I want to write this year; the monthly articles I want to propose; meeting those deadlines for my regular columns, enjoying those speaking engagements. I'd better listen closely.

    It's funny though. When I start looking at things from a 'God plan' instead of a 'Glynis plan,' then – you know what – I feel calm. Is that what they call that peace that passeth all understanding? I’m liking it.  

Here I come 2015~ 


  1. Glynis, I'm wiping tears. God bless you as you truly seek to wait on Him. Love you and MISS you! (I have no words of wisdom to add to this. Only, amen!)

  2. How extraordinary that our posts are so similar, Glynis. The news of my past month and my Christmas holiday was similar to some of the challenges you faced and are facing--maybe that's why we had a similar revelation. How sweet to find that same peace! God bless you, my friend.

  3. Glynis, you worded it so well ... our desire to have plans, juxtaposed with the direction of the spirit. I too believe that we should make plans, it's just that God adjusts them sometimes-in very significant and life altering ways. May you reside in His peace.

  4. thanks for this encouraging post. it is important to remember that even when we make our plans... God directs our steps

  5. Glynis, I could have written this same post in January 2014. Like you, God told me to settle down, and let him be God. The results? My writing went further this past year than I could ever imagine. What he really needed, I think, was for me to get out of the way!

    Can't wait to see the adventure he's starting for you in 2015! Life is never dull in the Lord.

  6. "Trust me Child. I have it all under control. Love God"
    This is something I need to remember! Thanks for the reminder.

  7. Great post, Glynis. Love this quote: Maybe, instead of rushing to fill my planner, I would be better to fill my heart with the Word of God, seeking scriptures on trust and timing and waiting upon the Lord.


  8. So well said, Glynis. I love this:"As I look over the precipice of this new year, I can’t see very well. I wonder if I should lean further into the fog." I appreciate your honesty. I often feel this way, too. I wish God would show me more, and show me more clearly. Instead, He wants me to move ahead, trusting Him. Thank you for sharing your heart!

  9. Oh yes, I think we've all been there, Glynis. And we all need these reminders. Thanks! :)m

  10. Glynis,
    We are in the fog together. All of us - even though some of us don't want to admit it. We never know when "life" will happen. Only God does.
    Cheering you on in 2015 - for the fruit of the Spirit to be your guide, for Jesus to be your aim and for your smile to continue to cheer all of us on.

  11. To my dear, thoughtful heart friends - thank you for cheering me on, for encouraging me and for knowing (some of you first hand) what I am talking about. Thank goodness we have the Lord in our lives. I know I sure couldn't even plod on without Him!
    And I miss you, too, Janet!

  12. Glynis,
    It is true--when we start looking at the God plan, then He does bring peace. Isn't that a beautiful thing? He is soooo good. Thanks for the reminder--and may God help you reach HIS goals for you throughout the year.


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