January 30, 2015

Press On by Susan Barclay

Image from Pixabay
January 2014 seems like a long time ago, but as I recall, I started the year out writing strong. Usually I break for the summer because kids are out of school and everyone is out of routine, so when fall arrived, I expected I'd get back to work. When things were still chaotic in September, I held out hope for October, but that didn't happen either. My mother had problems with her house and came to stay with us while they were resolved (they still aren't, by the way). I never get much writing done when she visits. She sees me on the computer and thinks I am wasting my time. Her priority is for me to clean my house, to go to work, and spend time with her. Not that I don't enjoy her company, but putting my writing on hold is frustrating, especially when it becomes months.

There were other stressors that got in the way of writing last year, but that was the big one. I try not to dwell on the past except as a learning experience, since there's nothing I can do to change what’s done. And there are seasons in one's life when your priorities have to shift, at least for a time. I've been reading the earlier posts from this month and see I'm not the only one living this.  

At such times Philippians 3:13-14 encourages me: 
No, dear brothers, I am still not all I should be, but I am bringing all my energies to bear on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,  I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God is calling us up to heaven because of what Christ Jesus did for us (Apostle Paul, The Living Bible)
 I am still not all I should be, but I am putting the past behind me and looking forward to what lies ahead. My mom is visiting her sister now and I am able to get more writing done. I am making use of the time I have until she returns. Hopefully, she'll be back in her own home by the summer. She would like that too.  

I've been reading books by Christine Caine in the last little while, and I found this quote that references past and future very instructive. Perhaps you will too: 
When it comes to our dreams our thinking is extremely powerful. Just like the control panel of an aircraft determines its flight path, our thoughts will either take us toward our destiny or away from it, propelling us into our future or anchoring us to our past.
 This is another reason to learn from the past, but not to dwell there. I want to move toward my destiny, not away from it. I want my writing to move ahead. God gave me the talent and I've developed the skill. It seems wrong not to use it. 

I want to leave you this powerful statement from Mother Teresa: 
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.
For more of my writing, please visit me at www.susan-barclay.ca


  1. The quote from Philippians is such a powerful one, isn't it? I feel your frustration. it is so easy for 'real life' to thwart our plans, especially when it comes to sitting down and writing. thanks for sharing. May god bless this coming year for you and your family.

  2. Well hopefully you can do a lot more writing this year. And thanks for the inspirational verses! A great way to start off the day.

  3. Thanks for sharing what you're learning, Susan. It is very frustrating when you want to write and can't. People who aren't writers don't understand. May God give you wisdom, grace, and some writing time :)

  4. The past is definitely a place to learn from. But we have to live in the present.

  5. Anonymous8:55 pm GMT-7

    I agree with Sherry! This was a good post and I enjoyed it.

  6. Susan,
    My mother is the same way. And if she came to live with us for any length of time, I know I would get little writing done and I know it would be frustrating. So, I can totally relate to what you said. I pray God will give you chunks of time AND peace.

  7. Susan, as I read your words, I felt the frustration, and have felt it in my own life for years. I have only just this past year started to be able to rest in God's timetable. Now when I struggle to accomplish any of my writing goals with the little time (or mental energy) I have to write, I remind myself to relax, and trust that all will happen if and when He wants it to. I'm wishing you the same joy I've experienced: of writing times that fall into your lap as a gift!


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