November 30, 2014

Love, Trust, Count - by Susan Barclay

Harvest or Thanksgiving cornucopia filled with vegetables on a white background - stock photoAs I was thinking this month about leaving a legacy, I thought about my writing, and  about the epitaph I would most want inscribed on my gravestone. Then I re-read the writing prompt and saw that we were to “write a memorial-building account of something [we] want to pass on to [others]…about God’s goodness in [our lives].” That made me think again with new direction.

In January I wrote on my personal blog about having chosen a word for the year. Initially, I identified the word as ‘habits’; later, I defined it more specifically as ‘trust’. As it turned out, there was a lot I was going to have to trust God for this year. And, praise God, He is faithful. He has shown His goodness time and time again. 

Looking back on my life, I see many stories I can share with family and friends to testify of God’s provision. Some examples:

·         He allowed me to be born into a Christian family, to attend church and participate actively in a community of faith;

·         When I was seven, He (literally) saved my life by stopping me from running into a bog;

·         Even though I did some dumb things when I was a pre-teen and a teenager, He spared me from harm;

·         He didn’t always answer my prayers the way I wanted Him to, and in retrospect, I see how He was guiding my path and keeping me from heartache;

·         Just at the right time, He blessed me with a god-fearing husband. We have been together now for more than twenty years and are raising two beautiful children;

·         He gave me a talent and a dream and opportunity to pursue both;

·         Through different events, He’s taught me that my heart and home are large enough to embrace people in need, and He’s more than big enough to take care of us all. 

I could go on but you get the idea. As the song says, “our God is able to do exceeding abundantly, exceeding abundantly above/all our hopes, all our dreams, all we ever hope to be/our God is able to do.” 

If I could model the legacy I want to leave, I would demonstrate the following: love God, love people; trust God, count your blessings. I leave you with this hymn as a reminder to do just that.
Count Your Blessings
 For more of my writing, please visit 


  1. Count our blessings... The song brings tears to my eyes, Susan. It didn't used to. When I first learned it as a non-believing church attender, I found it smarmy, sucky, naive. I had no idea, yet, how God had directed my path so far, and how he would continue to direct it as he drew me to him. Now, as I read your list above, your life seen through God's eyes, and think of what I know about my life from that same perspective, I can't thank him enough for the blessings.

    You've given me a wonderful warmth on an icy Alberta morning. Thank you.

  2. what a wonderful way to end the month of November

  3. Yes, Susan, this definitely reminds me of many times God has been watching out for me, lest I step into a bog. Sometimes it seemed he wasn't answering my prayers when, really, he was protecting me from what he knew would be wrong for me.

    Like Tracy, I say, "What a wonderful way to end the month of November." Thanks.

  4. Susan, this post was absolutely beautiful. I've had to learn to trust God through all the bad stuff with Christopher. He is faithful. He is the One True Jehovah Jireh. You reminded me of this through your post. I do remember your personal word for the year. I'm thankful you knew you could trust Him throughout this year. Yes, let's count our blessing.


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