November 03, 2014

GOD MADE KNOWN by Steph Beth Nickel

(image thanks to

When I was a child
God made Himself known
As my Redeemer, Saviour, and Friend.

When I was a teen
God made Himself known
As the One who required my complete devotion.

When I was graduating high school
God made Himself known
As my Guide.

When it seemed like I would lose my faith in Bible College
God made Himself known
As the One who does not let go.

When I rejected the idea of finding a husband
God made Himself known
As the One with an infinitely better plan.

When I rode the emotional rollercoaster of the first few years of marriage
God made Himself known
As the Provider of an incredibly patient and loving husband.

When I became a mom
God made Himself known
As the giver of our Beloved Gift of God.

When both my hubby and I knew it was time to move
God made Himself known
As the One who had gone before us.

When we settled in a community I hadn’t even known existed
God made Himself known
As the One who knows all my needs.

When I became a mom for a second time
God made Himself known
As the One who knows which treasures to bestow on each parent.

When I became a mom for a third time—a year and a half later
God made Himself known
As the Fulfiller of Dreams (I’d always wanted a little girl).

When I chose to homeschool
God made Himself known
As the Greatest Educator.

When anger almost destroyed me and our family
God made Himself known
As the Restorer and the Deliverer.

When the teen years came
God made Himself known
As beyond gracious.

When our three began to leave the nest
God made Himself known
As the One with plans and purposes far beyond my understanding.

When I wrote this poem
God made Himself known
As the Great God who will truly never leave nor forsake us.


  1. Enjoyed this poem and the summing up of your journey with God. He is truly faithful to His children!

  2. What a great way of sharing your legacy with us. And what a God we have. He will deliver us through the rough spots on our journey. Blessings.

  3. A reminder that God is with us at every stage of life, even when we don't like it or take a lesser route.
    Thanks for the reminder.


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