October 09, 2013

Paul's Encouraging Letter to Shirley - Shirley S. Tye

I’ve received the wonderful news about your faith in our Lord Jesus and your love for others who also share in the rich inheritance God has provided for us through His Son. I praise God for this and continually thank Him for you. You are God’s treasure because of Christ. You are no longer a stranger, as you were before, but a fellow citizen with the saints; an heir in His glorious kingdom.

I pray that God will graciously give you wisdom and understanding of who Christ really is and all that He has done for you. I also pray that you might have even a glimpse of the future He has called you to share. I pray that you may have some understanding of just how incredibly great God’s power is toward you and all His children. It’s that same power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in heaven.

Jesus sits far above all principalities, power, and dominions in this age and in the age to come. God has put all things under Jesus’ feet and has made Him ruler over the entire universe and Head of the Church which is His body.

You, my dear, are precious in His eyes and an important part of Him. I pray you may be strengthened by His Spirit, grounded in faith and may you feel Christ’s amazing love for you filling you completely. Remember to always speak and conduct yourself in a worthy manner doing the work He has called you to with gentleness, tolerance, patience, and love. Remember to guard against all evil; protect yourself with the whole armour of God and leave no gap through which the devil might slither into your life.

Peace, grace, and love be with you, for you are God’s beloved child.

Your brother-in-Christ - Paul.

Based on the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians.

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