February 20, 2013

Comma’on - Brenda J. Wood

The article said that jet fighters take off land and are stored on deck. “How peculiar,” I thought. “That doesn’t make sense.” Then I stopped to reconsider. My knowledge of such ships is limited, but I do know that they are called aircraft carriers for a reason! I revisited the sentence. “Jet fighters are able to take off, land and are stored on deck.” Aha! Now the sentence was clear. I had missed the comma!

Some of us are missing the commas in our lives, and not just in our writings. We scurry around with our Blackberry, (or raspberry or whatever fruit gizmo we own) day-timers and calendars full to the brim. We take precious little time to wonder about life’s meaning or ponder God’s purpose for us or our words. Then we ask God why we have nothing to say on paper. His answers become clear when we add some commas to our busy spaces.

Mark 6:31- He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest awhile.” For many were coming and going and they had no leisure even to rest awhile (NRSV).

Prayer: Lord, we create busy schedules and then ask you to bless them. We moan about busyness yet continually say yes to one more event, job, or occasion. Help us examine our schedule through your eyes and then, Lord, give us the courage to cross out the extras and replace them with some commas. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Brenda J Wood


  1. Oh Brenda, I love this posting. What a wonderful way to think about the comma as it relates to creating those pauses in our daily schedules.

    I'm praying that prayer today.


  2. Brenda, thanks for reminding us about the need to take breaks, using an illustration we all understand. My dad used to say, "If we don't come apart and rest awhile, we'll just plain come apart!"

  3. this reminds me of what Nancy Rue shared at the fall conference. she said that we usually do things backwards - we set goals and them pray over them. We should, instead be praying FIRST, then setting the goals.

  4. Beautiful Brenda,
    I write Wednesday's Word with a LINK. This post would be perfect. God's commas... and sometimes even periods.

    You could make this into a prayer post with a little tweaking for UTCOP - too. Wonderful idea - pauses through the day.. Commas.

    Blessings to you,


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