December 15, 2011

Tracy Krauss - God's Time Line

I wrote my first post here at 'Inscribe Writers Online' fourteen months ago in October of 2010. My how time flies! I am grateful to be part of such a vibrant and varied group of writers, not just here at this blog, but also as part of the Inscribe organization. It amazes me how, in such a short time, I have come to feel like 'part of the family'. Thanks to Brenda Leyland, our blog-land leader, and all those who regularly contribute. I'm getting to know each voice and look forward to hearing from you each month.

Like most of you, this has been a very productive, although sometimes hectic, year for me, especially in terms of my writing activities. My third novel PLAY IT AGAIN released, I signed a contract with a publisher for a second stage play, and I found an agent who is busy pitching my fourth book. Yet, sometimes, I feel as if my writing goals aren't moving forward fast enough, or as if my aspirations aren't really being realized. This is when I need to stop and take stock; when I need to remember who is supposed to be driving this ship anyway, and let go of the wheel.

It is easy to give lip service to God and say, "He's in charge of my life, including my writing," but it is another thing altogether to actually allow Him to BE in charge. As I look back over the last few years since crossing that line into the world of 'the published', I clearly see God's sovereign hand and I am amazed at how far I've come. I also know that if this had happened any sooner in my life, I might not have been able to handle it. It's easy to feel just an eeny-weeny bit jealous of those younger writers who seem to be making it early when I feel as if it's been a long time coming. Then again, I am grateful for the time I had to focus on family and other ministry opportunities and know that this would not have been possible had I been focused on my writing. 

God knows each and every one of us. He knows what is the best timeline for our lives. It is up to us to accept that and allow Him to do the work in and through us that He desires to do. With this thought in mind, I would like to wish each and every one of you a most joyous Christmas season and a blessed New year.


  1. Hi Tracy:
    Glad to hear of your continuing success, but I wonder if any of us feel satisfied with the speed of acceptance.
    I think we all feel our work should shake the world, but see it melt into the sea of works of all those who feel the same!
    It's so freeing to recognize success lies with completing what God has called us to, and our work will accomplish what He intended for it.
    But I would still be happy if He wanted a best seller!

  2. Sometimes I wonder if God is not like a vintner who knows how long his wine needs to be racked and aged before it is poured out to the world.

    Thank-you for what to me is a call to patience with our divine agent and publisher. A call I quietly answer as I read your post!

  3. Tracy, thanks for the reminders. I also struggle with meeting my own expectations, or when I see successful writers that are succeeding in the way I wish I was (ahem--like YOU ;o) ). One thing I notice is that I'm rarely envious of anyone except for writers, so that tells me this is an important part of my life. Glad you pointed out Who is in charge of your successes, and therefore we know who your inspiration comes from. Keep on blessing the public with your books, and Merry Christmas!


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