December 05, 2011

Angels by Glynis M. Belec

Apparently when Miss. J was going with Mommy to Grandma's the other day she told her big brother that she saw Baby Jesus on the way! When Amanda told me that, I smiled and wondered what she meant and then I wondered about how Jesus communicates with His little ones. 

     As I think about children and their innocence I concentrate on their faith and how I can take a lesson. They believe without seeing. They pray with purpose and don't fluff up prayers. They show complete trust and they have an innate sense of mercy and grace, even though they don't know what it is.

     I consider the tremendous responsibility I have to teach my children and now my grandchildren about Jesus. Oh how I messed up at times with my own beautiful babies. How I wish I knew then what I know now. What an honour and a gift children are. I wasn't always consistent. I wasn't always right. I didn't always make the right decision. But thanks be to God, He saw fit to send us the best Gift - Jesus. And then He saw fit to forgive and make good things out of my mess-ups. I praise God every day for my beautiful children and then I thank God for giving me a second chance with my grandbabies.
My Miss J, transfixed by Mr. Mouse! Thanks, Amanda for taking such a beautiful picture and for blessing Grandma with such a beautiful granddaughter!
     I am really looking forward to Christmas. I am really looking forward to focussing on the true meaning of this special time of the year and the celebration of the anniversary of Christ's imminent arrival so many years ago. My heart is thankful. My spirit is calm and I look forward to sharing some special times with some special little people.  I may not know how children really communicate with His little ones (I just know He does,) but I am hoping that the next time Miss J visits, she will not only see Jesus on the way to Grandma's house, but she will see Jesus in Grandma. Lord make me a vessel.
May the true Spirit bring you Joy, Peace, Love & Happiness this Christmas.


  1. I've heard it said that parenting is practice for Grandparenting. :)

  2. Love your reflection on how Jesus communicates to His little ones...

    What a wonderful prayer--that our grandkids (and kids, even spouses!) would see Jesus in us during what can be a frenetic time.


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