December 23, 2011

It's all about Him - Dorothy Bentley

This is going to sound strange, but I have been focusing so much on Jesus lately that I don't have time to be caught up in Christmas.

In my last post, I told you about this crazy journey God initiated in my life. He's taken away my column writing and my involvement in youth. I wasn't sure where God would lead, but some wonderful things have happened.

To begin with, I was allowed to start a church newsletter which quickly developed into a magazine with the help of young, talented contributors. At first I was a little scornful of going back to newsletter production, since that's where I began as a fledgling writer. However, I discovered that the exercise isn't for me, but for all the other writers and creative people at my church to have an outlet.

As well, perhaps even more importantly, the magazine will serve (at least partly) as catalyst for communication among members and unity of purpose. It's exciting to see it take shape. Our first issue is due out at the beginning of January.

Besides the magazine, God has been speaking to me more, in a way I can understand. I have prayed for years to hear His leading more clearly. The main method I've discovered, through my study of leaders in the Bible, is fasting along with prayer.

Through denying self and seeking God, I was able to ask Him a specific question and actually get a response.

Our God is a Living God!

He is interactive through His Holy Spirit!

This Christmas season, as I focus intently on worshipping the King of kings, I won't let the things of this world absorb my attention. Rather, the tree, the food, the gifts are mere adornments and reminders of the Holy and Alive Person of Christ who is vitally interested in us, the objects of His affection.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Such a lesson in listening! Bless you for sharing...

  2. Anonymous2:18 pm GMT-7

    God bless you writer friends!


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