December 13, 2011

Christmas Song by T. L. Wiens

Christmas has become a difficult time for many. Even within Christian circles, the debate rages of whether or not we should celebrate.
I know all the reasons against December 25th but I also know the world stops and considers a little baby born in a manger every year on this day. It would be sad for Christians to be the ones to stop that from happening.
Every year, I take this time to reflect in song about what Jesus Christ's birth means to me. I hope you enjoy this years.
A Long Long Road
T. L. Wiens
Verse 1
Looking down from the glory of heaven above
He looked at the people with love
Father, I know, I know your will for me
Seeing Mary's innocent face
Knowing her future fate
She would be part of the Father's will for me
And it's a long , long road
Coming down from the glory of heaven
Giving of Himself from wisdom to innocence
Trapped in the frailties of human weakness
Knowing the end before the beginning
And it's a long, long road
Verse 2
Joseph will be my father
He'll need strength to stand beside her
Husband of Mary in the Father's will for me
Shepherds will worship and bow
Wise men will come from afar
Declaring to the world the Father's will for me
And it's a long, long road
Verse 3
People will yell and say
Crucify Jesus today
Carry my cross in the Father's will for me
I must suffer and die
Bring the new covenant life
Salvation through Christ is the Father's will for me
And it's a long, long road
Coming down from the glory of heaven
Giving of Himself from wisdom to innocence
Trapped in the frailties of human weakness
Knowing the end before the beginning
And it's a long, long road
And Jesus walked that road for you and I


  1. Great project, Tammy! Do you have a tune in mind (as in one that would be familiar)?

  2. Thank you Violet.
    I write my own tunes. I'm working on getting them recorded and then I can let people hear them.

  3. I don't think Christmas will ever stop--even if Christians stop celebrating it. But we still need to be a witness to the reason for the season.
    It doesn't matter what date we use--even the queen has two birthdays, the natural and the official!
    We just want to celebrate and welcome Him in to our world each time and thank Him for taking that long, long road.
    Thank you for the reminder.

  4. THanks Bryan for the encouragement.


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