November 29, 2011

InScribers Review: Introducing NetGalley - Ruth L. Snyder

One of the best ways to improve our own writing is to read excellent writing.

Writing book reviews and posting them on our blogs or websites is a great way to get more traffic and ultimately more followers. In the past few months I have been enjoying doing all of the above - reading excellent writing, improving my own writing, posting book reviews, and getting more visits to my blog. NetGalley is my newest writing resource.

When you open a NetGalley account you are able to enter your personal profile including information about the type of books you enjoy reading, interests/skills you have, the blog or website where you will be posting reviews, and your Twitter account. After you enter your profile you are able to access the NetGalley catalogue of books. They have many of the newest books being released by a variety of publishers.

You can search the catalogue by date of release, genre, or publisher. (There are several publishers who specify they will only accept Canadian reviewers.) If you find a book that looks interesting, you send a request to the publisher. Usually within a day or so you will receive email notification regarding whether the publisher is willing to allow you access to the book or not. If access is granted, you can download the book in one of several different ebook formats. (If you don't have an e-reader, you can download the PDF version and read the book on your computer.)

Once you have read the book, you can decide whether or not you will provide a review. (Obviously, you will want to write reviews for most of the books you read, otherwise publishers may not give you access to any more books. However, if the review is negative, you may want to send it directly to the publisher instead of posting it on the internet for the whole world to read.) If you decide to do a review, you notify the publisher on NetGalley. Once you have written the review you can post it on your website or blog and then also post a copy directly on NetGalley with a link to your blog or website.

Check out NetGalley today. "Try it; You'll like it!"

Ruth L. Snyder

Check out Ruth's blog on education matters
Follow Ruth on Twitter


  1. Interesting Ruth. I had never heard of Net Galley before.

  2. Interesting ... I joined netGalley about a year ago but never really got around to doing much with it. I may have to 'revisit'

  3. That sounds like a great idea - if you have an eReader. I've recently seen other bloggers commenting on NetGalley so I was curious about it; thanks for explaining it so well. If I get an eReader for Christmas (or in one of the contests I keep entering), I'll definitely jump on. I just can't read books on my computer, though.

  4. I'm glad the blog was helpful. Bonnie, how about introducing a column in FellowScript where people can share writing tools they've found helpful?


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