November 23, 2011

New Journey - Dorothy Bentley

I've had the craziest adventure since the end of September. That is when I attended a Willow Creek Leadership Summit (by recorded simulcast). After the first day, I lost my column (I'd been writing for over seven years in a general market newspaper). On the second day, we were given a pottery shard to write something on while we dedicated ourselves to God's service.

Shortly after, I became extremely uncomfortable serving in Youth and had to quit.

God had taken me up on my offer.

I've had to lay my novel writing on an altar, just like an Isaac. And I am mainly blogging about my walk with Him.

He's been purifying my heart. I haven't got a clue where He's taking me or the next step on this crazy journey, but I am trusting Him to lead.

He is teaching me to hear His voice.

I somehow found an incredibly useful book to help in this process:

Finding Divine Inspiration - Working with the Holy Spirit in Your Creativity, by J. Scott McElroy.

He teaches how the process works, hindrances, the importance of operating within Christian community, and he includes some helpful insights from creative people, such as Jars of Clay and News Boys lead singers, a writer, a painter, and others.

Well worth it.

Anyone can write.

It takes a calling and purification to write for the King of Kings. It's difficult, and frightening, and painful, but nothing else matters.


  1. I absolutely love this wonderful line: "It takes a calling and purification to write for the King of Kings. It's difficult, and frightening, and painful, but nothing else matters."

    Thank you.

  2. Trust, obey,pray and write. Four simple, but challenging steps to take to move forward.

  3. I agree with Lynda.. that last line is wonderful! Love it too!

    We'll be eager to hear more as the journey unfolds.......

  4. Anonymous8:04 pm GMT-7

    Thank you so much, writing Friends! I'm in the process of praying for a mentor, and I've asked a couple (at my church), so if you get a moment, please pray that God would help me connect with the mentors He desires for me.
    And any of your prayer requests may be sent to me through FaceBook messages, or regular email.
    Dee :)


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