November 12, 2011

I'll write the appies - Violet Nesdoly

I'll write the appies

Though I have laboured long
over the hot stove of fiction
slow-roasted the plot
peeled and cooked the characters
tossed point-of-view and dialogue
whisked lumps out of theme and motivation
and at last presented my creation
garnished to be page-turning

I prefer to work
on the poetry course
try to make each hors d’oeuvres
a playful experiment
every bite-sized creation
so surprising and intriguing
the reader can never stop at one.
Then I get to leave the kitchen early
because I’m done.

© 2011 by Violet Nesdoly

With much of the writing world involved in NaNoWriMo, I decided to join in the writing frenzy, but in a different way. I have challenged myself to write one poem a day each day of November.

To help me do that, I refer often to the various poetry prompt sites I have bookmarked. The inspiration for "I'll write the appies" (my poem for November 4th) came from this prompt on poet Adele Kenny's blog The Music In It.

I'm posting an assortment of my November efforts here—so come on by, if you like, to sample some more canapés. 

- By Violet Nesdoly


  1. Your poem made me smile and your challenge motivated me to do likewise, at least post a blog a week on a regular manner.

  2. Thank you, Precious Moments! Consistency is a great challenge, isn't it?


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