November 03, 2011

Trust and Press On - Janis Cox

I hate staring at a blank sheet of paper – whether for writing or painting. It is intimidating.

When I haven’t been inspired with any idea just the thought of making a mark on that paper can cause procrastination.

Today in my watercolour art class, after I had put the finishing touches on a test painting for a children’s book, I didn’t know what to do next. I felt lost.

My instructor suggested I try a four stroke painting. The idea is to only make four brush strokes on a page, with four colours. Sometimes this frees up the mind as there is no structure. So I tried it. I didn’t accomplish much of a painting but it might be of use sometime as a background for an idea.

Knowing that I had to write for Inscribe for November 3 put me in a similar position. The topic this month is writing. What could I write about writing?

Usually I write about prayer, or a devotional based on a Scripture I have read. But to write about writing – that became a blank page and I procrastinated.

Until I remembered my art teacher – who said, “just paint”. So I thought I would, “just write”.

Sometimes writing is therapy for me. Certainly when I write in my daily morning journal it clears my head – gets rid of everything on my mind – so I can concentrate on my Bible study lesson.

Other times I write because God has given me something to say. I need to put those thoughts down on paper for myself and possibly for others to be clearer in God’s Word.

And there are times when I just want to make something up – a fiction story – because I feel like it.

What I have to remember during all those times is not to stress about it. Every time I pray for inspiration – God comes through. He is the “author”, not only of my faith but of my life. I can trust in Him to help me with everything I attempt – watercolour, writing and even a new pursuit – tap dancing.

My new way of thinking is to just “do it”. Trust in Him and then press on.


  1. Great advice! I'd say amen to that.Trust the Lord and press on in His stregth. Enjoyed readin your posting. Good luck with your tap dancing!

  2. Enjoyed your posting.... Yes... let's just 'do it'.

  3. "Just do it" works great for getting us started when we're blocked. Thanks for the reminder of that and of the Source of our words.

    And I love the turtle painting!

  4. Yes, yes, yes! This is such a wonderful form of therapy (actually either the 'just paint' or the 'just write' suggestions!) I love it

  5. Thanks for your enthusiasm. Truly when I had to write for Thursday and it was Wednesday morning - I literally gasped... then I remembered He who always gives me ideas and keeps me calm. So after a prayer I just started to write and this is what came out. Too funny.

  6. Good inspiration well said. Thanks for this, Jan

  7. I love the way ideas 'flow' like blessings...lovely thoughts and reassurance that we have all 'been there and done that!' x

  8. Jan, have you been sneaking into my mind and listening to my thoughts? Or did you overhear 3 conversations I had this weekend where I was telling people the same thing as what you wrote? I too, ended up just giving up on getting a brilliant idea, and starting to write. Thanks for letting me know that I'm not alone.

  9. Anonymous6:17 am GMT-7

    Thanks Sharon, Glynis and Ramona,
    Not only do we need to just do it - we need to encourage each other to do it.
    As we hear Him speak - let us rise up and do what we hear.


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