July 12, 2011

Summer Serenade - Violet Nesdoly

Summer Serenade

Summer’s orchestra plays
woodwind overture
of a bird-filled morning.

Viola hum of bees
quark of oboe ducks
blend with bowing violins
of an insect-busy refrain.

Trombone slide convertibles
show off the flashy third movement.

Clink of cutlery and crystal
are percussion
tremolo laughter
the piccolo trills
of a pitch-perfect finale.


© 2009 by Violet Nesdoly
First published in River of Words (a publication of MSA Poets Potpourri Society).

Website: www.violetnesdoly.com


  1. Bird-filled and insect-busy will stay in my mind all day! The only thing I don't like about this poem is that it is like our summers --- too short!

  2. Thanks for sharing the beautiful imagery with us, Viola. It is easy to get too busy and miss the beauty God gives us to enjoy.

  3. What a picture - in both word and photography! Beautiful. Thank you.


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