December 20, 2024

XYZ! by Tracy Krauss

Over the past two years, I have really enjoyed writing this series of posts based on the alphabet. I want to give a huge SHOUT OUT to our outgoing blog moderator, Wendy Macdonald, for coming up with the idea. It was inspired. I’m sure all the other bloggers here would agree that it has been challenging at times, but always loads of fun.

In fact, it has been X-tradordinary! It has made me want to YELP with joy (or laughter on occasion) after reading what others wrote! In fact, I think it has sparked a new ZEAL for blogging for some, myself included.

There. I’ve successfully completed the alphabet. (How successful is a matter of opinion.)

I’ve talked about Authenticity in one’s writing as well as Balance as a writer. I urged others to lean into their Calling rather than Compare themselves to others. It takes Discipline to be a writer, and it helps to know our mission such as whether we write to Encourage, Equip, or Entertain.

The rest of the list includes:

F – Feed My Sheep

G – Grappling With G… GOD!

H – Habits

I – InScribe!

J – Just Write

K – Know and Be Known

L – Limitless

M – Muse

N – Networking & newsletters

O – Opportunities

P – “Plantser”

Q – Quality not Quantity

R – Read and Review

S – Soul On Fire

T – Take Charge of Your Writing Life

U – Uniquely You

V – Vulnerable

W – WIPs

This brings me to the present and this last post for the year and of this alphabet journey. Did you know this represents two whole years of blogging together, my friends? I admit, I’m sad that it’s over.

As a bonus, I’ve recycled many of these posts on my own blog. I felt some had enough merit to deserve more eyes than just those of our small group. As part of the FellowScript editorial team, I’ve asked some of you to reword certain posts and re-submit them as feature articles when I saw how well they fit in with an upcoming theme. I even convinced Sharon Heagy to write a regular column based on her offerings here!

May I make a further suggestion? Some of you may want to gather these posts into a larger publication. (Seriously. An anthology or even a separate book of your own.)

My final advice for 2024 is this: Take the lessons learned while writing these posts and continue to hone your skills. And, keep on finding ways to find joy in the midst of your writing.

May God bless you this coming holiday season and into the next year.


Tracy Krauss enjoys writing from her home in Tumbler Ridge, BC. Visit her website for more about Tracy and her writing.


  1. Tracy, what a splendid wrap up to our great 'blogging the alphabet' experience. These titles you listed would make a lovely published collection, indeed. And you've offered some great advice, too. Thank you!

  2. "Find joy in the midst of your writing." What a tremendous encouragement, Tracy. And thanks for your wonderful wrap-up of your own posts and how you've recycled them into your own blogs. God bless you as you've taken the role of FS editor!

    1. Thank you, Sandi. Many blessings for the new year, my friend!

  3. Thank you, Tracy. What a great way to wrap up the alphabet blogging series. It's been a lot of fun, and as you've said, challenging at times. Thank you for your encouragement throughout the series.

    1. And thank YOU and Brenda for taking on the job for the future!

  4. The entire alphabet in one blog post! Well done, Tracy. I have considered gathering my posts into some kind of collection. I think it's a great idea.

    1. Yes, you should definitely do this, Joy. You wrote some wonderful and inspiring posts.

  5. Ahh, yes, my teacher does it again! I agree with our pals, your post is a perfect wrap up to our alphabet journey. I thank Wendy for beginning us on this great blog post series. I look forward to encouraging Lorrie and Brenda as they take up their positions of our blog moderators.
    May God bless us as we walk and write for Him in 2025.

    1. Thank you, Alan, for your encouragement! You are such a good cheerleader!

  6. What a great reflection of your posts over the past two years! Thanks for your encouragement and I pray you will have wisdom, energy and His guidance as you embrace the roll of FS editor. Merry Christmas, my friend.

    1. Thank you, Sharon! Many blessings back at ya!


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