December 04, 2024

X Marks the Treasure by Sandi Somers

The secret things belong to the LORD our God,

but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever,

that we may follow all the words of this law.

Deuteronomy 29:29

Searching for treasures has captivated the imaginations of all ages. 

When I was a young teen, I read Treasure Island, immersed in the adventures of Jim Hawkins who searched for a hidden treasure chest.

Today, some individuals engage in geocaching, using GPS to find a hidden treasure, maybe in their vicinity, or perhaps farther afield.  

In Oak Island off the coast of Nova Scotia, many people for more than two centuries have searched unsuccessfully for treasures that lie deep underground. Now recorded in the TV program, The Curse of Oak Island, researchers are probing with modern-day techniques. Their adventures hold the interest of both actual treasure hunters and those who watch the program. 

Just as treasure hunters carefully study maps and clues, we as Christ followers have a role to play in searching for hidden treasures in the Word. As the writer of Proverbs said, “If you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God” (2:3-5). 

It involves more than simply reading through Scripture. It means faithfully digging deep, taking the thought or verse, reading it over and over, letting God speak to us, talking with Him about our day-to-day details and the larger visions of our concerns.  

The Spirit gives us understanding and fresh insight. Familiar verses come to life. What we’ve read time and time before now lights up our understanding with something new—like a light that shines on a hidden treasure chest. As we pay attention to what the Lord reveals to us about our life, our concerns, and the greater needs around us, we’ll know we’ve hit gold. Treasure it like gold. 

How does this apply to us as writers? 

 As God reveals new insights and deep things of the Spirit, He gives us treasures in what we are to write. 

As you go to your notebook or computer, saturate your preparation and writing with prayer. Ask God to release the treasures that He wants you to convey to the world. Pray until you receive that fresh insight, that spark of inspiration, an “Aha! This is it!” moment, or the Spirit’s gentle whisper, or even a progression of ideas as the days go by. Then you will know your writing is what the Lord wants to say to the individuals who will read your work. 

Dare to trust God! Dare to find his Treasures from the Deep!

Image by Pinterest


  1. I have vivid memories of those times in my life when I needed something so desperately from the Lord - a word, a phrase - that would hold me steady through a trying time. Searching, searching, to discover the 'aha' moment when I knew I had his answer to my heart's cry. And those blessed times when I learned to listen to that gentle nudge to dig deep and ponder his words, only to find that they were there for me, all prepared, when I needed them.

    Good word today, Sandi, your post is a treasure itself. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for your lovely response, Brenda!!

  2. Thank you, Sandi, for this thoughtful post. Your words "Ask God to release the treasures that He wants you to convey to the world" speak of our dependence upon Him and of his willingness to reveal His words to us.

    1. Yes, Lorrie, we do need to depend on the Lord, and He is more than willing to reveal His words to us.

  3. Replies
    1. THanks for the four exclamation points, Tracy!!!!

  4. I love the "aha" moments, Sandi! Thank you.

    1. Thanks, Alan. Those"aha" moments lift our spirits and faith.

  5. Valerie Ronald6:59 pm GMT-7

    Wonderful post, Sandi, full of wisdom and direction for Christian writers.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Valerie.

  6. Discovering treasure is a thrilling thing! And discovering God's word for me is no less thrilling. Thank you, Sandi.

    1. THanks, Joy, for commenting. Yes, discovering God's word is thrilling.

  7. Your December message, Sandi, is a treasure I must keep in my heart and in mind. You've given us gold nuggets of information and inspiration to live and write for the Lord. For me, your message connects with my morning reading in Isaiah 30. "As soon as he hears, he will answer you. Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it. . . He will also send you rain for the seed you sow in the ground. . . (and the seed we sow may also be in our writing.) Thank you, Sandi, for being one of my teachers today. Sharon E.

    1. Thanks for this touching response, Sharon. God bless you today and always.

  8. Thanks for this wonderful post, Sandi. As I read it through there were two many moments I said, ‘Yes!’ to myself to reference just one. This post is a treasure and a wonderful gift to us all.

    1. Thanks, Sharon, for affirming how this post encouraged you. Treasure God and His gift of Himself to you as you absorb His word and write!

  9. Love the "dare to trust God." There are many big and unknown things on our family's horizon for 2025. Our grandkids enjoy geocaching.

    1. Thanks, Bob, for sharing that there are many big and unknown things on your family's horizon. I think that is true for all of us as we will soon enter a new year. "Dare to trust God" is a good pointer for the year ahead.


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