December 11, 2024

X Stands for Unknown by Brenda J. Wood

"And we believe and are sure that thou art
the Christ, the Son of the living God."
John 6:69 (KJV)

Do you remember the A-B-Cs of Christ? Strong’s Concordance supplied me with this version of what we have in Christ.
A - Adopted  |  B - Blessed  |  C - Conquering
D - Delivered  |  E - Established  |  F - Free  |  G - Graced
H - Healed  |  I - Inheritor  |  J - Justified  |  K - Known
L - Loved  |  M - Ministering  |  N - Named  |  O - Overcomer
P - Precious  |  Q - Quickened  |  R - Redeemed  |  S - Saved
T - Transformed  |  U - Upright  |  V - Valued  |  W - Wanted
X - ________  |  Y - Yielded  |  Z - Zealous
OOPS! There’s no X word in an English Bible, but in the Greek, it’s Χριστός  or Christos, meaning anointed, Messiah, an epithet of Jesus Christ. The dictionary says X stands for Christ as in Xn (Christian) and Xmas (Christmas). X also stands for the algebra unknowns we fought in math class. We may wish to have or be everything in this new alphabet version but without X, the Christ, it’s impossible.

Where is the X, the Christ, in our lives? Is He X, the unknown? X, the Christ, a shortcut to what we want? Or is He X, the crucified Christ, raised from the dead and our personal Saviour?
And X the Christ who leads our pen to paper and our heart to write?

(Top) Image by mcanden on Pixabay

Brenda J. Wood has authored more than fifty books. She is a seasoned motivational speaker, who declares the Word of God with wisdom, humour, and common sense.


  1. Thank you, Brenda, for this post asking us to consider the role of X-Christ in our lives. He truly is an alphabet's worth, and so much more, in our lives. I love that he is the God who wants to be known.

  2. Thanks for this thought provoking post. I will be coming back to re-read so I can linger on the word for each letter, every one of them leading to Christ. Wonderful, Brenda.

  3. Thanks, Brenda, for sharing all these wonderful alphabet depictions of Christ, how X stands for Christ. Your questions were very thought-provoking.

  4. This was a very interesting (and clever) use of the letter X. I had not heard of this ABCs of Christ before, and was fascinated by the lack of an English word for X. But you did a good job 9as Bob Jones did earlier) of reminding us that in the Greek, it stands for Christ himself. Blessings.

  5. Valerie Ronald9:27 am GMT-7

    Thank you for the thought-provoking post, Brenda. The list using the alphabet reminds me of Neil Anderson's similar scripture list of who we are in Christ. To me, the unknown X factor of Christ represents the mystery of the season we are celebrating - the "incarnate deity." May you enjoy his blessings this Christmas!

  6. I enjoyed the ABC list you shared, Brenda. And the wonderful reminder that X means Christ.

  7. I did not know the ABC list for Christ. Thanks for sharing it, Brenda. And thanks for filling in the X word for Christ - Christ Himself!


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