December 19, 2024

Exit 2024: This Year I Crawled by Alan Anderson


The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want;
he makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters;
he restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake. Psalm 23: 1-3 (RSV)

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays
down his life for the sheep” John 10:11 (RSV)


NOTE: Forgive me, I strayed from our theme of “X” for this month’s blog post. Another thought consumed my mind as I prepared this message.

Exit 2024, Embrace 2025

We all know this year, 2024, will end soon. If the Lord allows us, we will experience a New Year only a few days away. I crawled through most of this year. How about you dear friends? I do not know if 2025 will be any different, but I pray it will be a year I embrace.

Fed up with the Voices

Dear reader, do you ever tire of the world? The world has chosen to act crazy right now. I should say the world lives according to its nature. There are so many loud voices all around. Voices devoid of listening to and speaking truth. Voices of discontent and confusion from those speeding towards an eternity without God, He who loves the world.

Do you ever become weary of the voices? I get to where I cover my ears to block out the voices and yell into the raging clamour, “Will you please shut up?” The world continues to broadcast its blabber through a megaphone of its own making. So many people deaf to the voice of the One who calls people to rest, His rest… Oh, such gentle rest.

The Shepherd’s Voice

Health challenges beset me this year like never before. A combination of these challenges gave cause for me to reflect on the number of my days. The physical strength of my youth has waned, yet I persevere. There is still life to live, people to love, and words to send into the world as I listen to the voice of The Shepherd. This great Shepherd who promises rest for one’s soul.

When 2024, the year I crawled, finally becomes history, I will walk into 2025 with caution and, I am sure, with a limp. With the Lord’s help, I will avoid loud unsettled settings all too open to the brashness of our society. My voice as a writer seeks places surrounded by green pastures and still waters.

What I know as 2025 draws near is God leads now and will lead then. He awaits me. The Lord leads this crawling, needful man to still waters. Still waters are a place to rest. A place to rest in God’s care…a place to hear The Lord’s voice, the voice that matters. A place I need to abide in.

Dear InScribers

Dear InScribe family, with the New Year within sight, I pray our writer voices will reflect the voice of our Shepherd. Whether we crawl, limp, or walk into 2025, He will lead us to green pastures and still waters where rest and restoration awaits.

Merry Christmas dear ones. Christ is born, glorify Him! 

Alan lives in a small village called Deroche, British Columbia, with his wife, Terry, and their poodle, Charlie. He enjoys walking on the dike near his home with trees all around, where he finds inspiration for his writing. He occasionally writes articles for FellowScript Magazine and is a regular contributor to the InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship blog. Alan is the new BC/Northern Regional Rep. for InScribe. His website is


  1. I agree, Alan, there is a lot of clattering out there. Which certainly makes it more difficult to stay in that quiet place to hear His still small voice. I'm staying away more from those dissonant voices especially as they show up on social media. It has helped. I am sorry for all your own health struggles - they add a dimension that is sometimes overwhelming. I'm grateful for your encouraging word at the end of your piece, that whatever is to come in the new year, we know that He awaits us there.

    Merry Christmas, Alan, to you and yours.

    PS. Your title using "Exit" still nicely fits into our "X" prompt. :)

    1. Dear Brenda, perhaps we can help other people turn from their dissonant voices and listen to the voice of the good Shepherd.

  2. I echo your thoughts, Alan. The world is indeed full of confusion and the noise of voices. Listening to our Lord's voice requires quiet intention. There is a delicate balance between not being ignorant of what's happening in the world and knowing so much that we struggle to "lie down in green pastures" and be led by "quiet waters." I am sorry for your health challenges. May 2025 bring you, one of his precious sheep, renewed reliance on our sheep-loving Lord.

    1. Hi Lorrie, blessings to you, my dear friend. Thank you for coordinating our blog posts. Sending hugs to you and your family.

  3. I concur with your observation that there is a lot of noise out there... I also loved how you focused on God's REST. May you and Terry be blessed this holiday season and my your 2025 be full of joy - whether you're crawling, limping, or running!

    1. Hi Tracy! Blessings of Christmas to you and your family. We can walk into the New Year together. :)

  4. Elizabeth Danna11:04 am GMT-7

    Thanks, Alan, I needed this, because I also have limped through 2024. May God grant you, me, and all of us a better 2025.

    1. Dear Elizabeth, I feel for you as you have limped this year. Yes, indeed, may God grant us a better 2025 to serve Him and bless other people. Blessings to you and your family, Elizabeth.

  5. Thank you Alan. It’s wonderful to know that our Good Shepherd is already in 2025 and is ready to meet us there.

    1. Dear Pam, we are never alone even when we enter an unknown. Like you said, He is already there. Blessings to you and your family, Pam.

  6. Thanks for your vulnerability in posting this, Alan. I felt your pain as you crawled through this year, as you endeavoured to shut out the noise of the world, and as you asked the Lord to be your Shepherd, guiding you into 2025. In whatever your circumstances, may your spirit "be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."

    1. Dear Sandi, thank you for your encouragement. I trust our InScribe pals and know we care for each other, although geographical distance separates us. I try not to allow health challenges to get in my way. I am looking forward to 2025 and will embrace it even with a limp. :)

  7. Alan, loved this post. I'm sorry for your health challenges in 2024, and I completely relate to limping through. Here's to 2025 where the LORD awaits, whether we're limping or not. Merry Christmas my friend.

    1. Dear Joy, I always look forward to your comments. We can limp or walk into 2025 together through cyberspace. :) Lord willing, if I attend our 2025 InScribe Conference, let's have a chat!

  8. Thankful that the Lord gave you strength to press on, even at a crawl. Thanks for sharing the lessons God gave you to embrace and praying for less pain yet more revelation of His heart in 2025. May you be well, my friend. Praying it will be so. Amen.

    1. Dear Sharon, thank you for your encouragement, my friend. This year reminded me I don't have the energy I once had. I am adjusting to this reality with thanks to the Lord. I look toward 2025 with exuberance mixed with a sense of caution.


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