November 15, 2022

Come and Rest In God's Promises by Carol Harrison


Come and Rest in God’s Promises

As I reread my January blog post, these ending sentences needed to begin this month’s post. This year, the God of all compassion invites me to come and find rest in His promises. He longs to encourage me while I continue to be a good steward of the gifts He has given.

What has that looked like during this year? What have I done to be a good steward of His gifts? Have I taken God at His invitation to come and rest in His promises? These questions needed to be reflected on and an answer obtained in order to write this post. I mulled them over and over before formulating a response because too often the negative voice of the enemy interrupted, poking a finger at the lapse of trusting God fully or with questions like, “Did you really do all you could?”

The months of this year have lapsed into history. There isn’t a do over button to push and change the scenarios to what I wished had happened with my writing or the marketing to go with it. One thing I have realized over the course of these last few months is that the writing is only part of good stewardship. The marketing – letting people know my writing exists is another part of being a good steward.

Do I like promoting myself and my writing? Not really. It is so much easier to tell people about my friends’ writing. Yet at the Inscribe conference, Grace Fox mentioned that we need to think about feeding God’s sheep and not building our platform. This changed my mindset about the entire subject of marketing my own work. If I don’t get the word out, how will the words I’ve written feed and encourage others?

This brings me to the resting in God’s promises aspect of what I’ve been invited to this year and all the time. Trusting God to provide like He’s promised to do. Trusting He is with me no matter what tough stuff exists in my life. He always keeps His promises and one of them is to never change and provide all we need through Jesus.

This year has been one filled with less writing but more editing pieces already written. It’s involved being at a number of craft/trade shows with my books and talking to many people about writing, my own books, and looking at the possibility of author readings or other activities to get the books in front of more people. I’ve had to trust God for the words to say, the courage to say, “I’ve written these books. What can I tell you about them?”

Circumstances haven’t changed much in the last year. Medical appointments fill the calendar more often that I would want. Writing gets pushed aside when no energy remains for creative endeavours. I question what needs to happen in this season of life just like I did back in January. But resting in God’s promises has given me a better perspective. I need to just live one day at a time and sometimes one hour or minute at a time, ready to pursue whatever God puts on my plate to do at that moment.

God encouraged me through a variety of ways. Sometimes the encouragement is like the trickle of a tiny creek and at others times pours lavishly over me but it never disappears. It comes in the form of a positive comment, a sharing of ideas, a good workshop to learn new things, a hug from a friend, or being given an award. There have been fellow believers who have laughed with me and prayed for me. Over and over, in so many ways, I’ve been reminded of the unchanging promises of God. I just need to rest in them and trust God’s got this.  



As a speaker and published author, Carol Harrison is passionate about mentoring people of all ages and abilities to help them find their voice and reach their fullest potential. She shares from her heart, with stories from real life experiences and God’s Word to encourage people and help them find a glimmer of hope no matter what the circumstances. She believes we need to continuously grow in our walk with God and lives out her storytelling passion by speaking and in her writing.


  1. I was also so encouraged by Grace's comment "Feed my sheep instead of build a platform." It is a powerful mind shift. I pray for blessing for you and strength as you continue to walk the difficult path with family health issues. I also pray that more people would discover and read your wonderful books!

  2. Amen, dear Carol, to being "ready to pursue whatever God puts on my plate to do at that moment" and to "trust God's got this."
    How blessed we are to be writers for the Lord. He's the most reliable, encouraging, and helpful boss ever.
    Blessings as you continue to do His will for you.

  3. Like you and Tracy, I take to heart God's message to Grace Fox: "Feed my sheep". I noticed that while you're unsure of how to grow your market, you're doing what comes your way. You've taken a lot of great initiatives already--good for you! I quote:

    ...being at a number of craft/trade shows with my books and talking to many people about writing, my own books, and looking at the possibility of author readings or other activities to get the books in front of more people. I’ve had to trust God for the words to say, the courage to say, “I’ve written these books. What can I tell you about them?”

    Each of us is unique in how we promote our work. You've made a great start!

  4. Anonymous4:52 pm GMT-7

    Excellent and inspiring article!

  5. Hi Carol. As God has encouraged you, you encourage others. Your words are needed.


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