November 23, 2022

Come, Sink Your Roots Deep in Me ~ Valerie Ronald


Jesus’ invitation this past year to sink my roots deep in Him is not the first time He has beckoned me to do so. Back in January I wrote about being rooted and grounded (Rooted and Grounded), sending my spiritual roots down into the rich soil of His love so I could bear fruit for Him in my life and writing.

When prompted to re-visit this theme, I recalled a time a few decades ago, prior to my world being shattered by multiple crises. Struggling to raise my three children while in a difficult marriage, my spiritual life suffered while I tried to survive. Then I began to hunger for God ˗˗ a hunger given by Him, for I did not have much appetite for spiritual food myself. For three years before the compounded trauma of a divorce, a cancer diagnosis and financial ruin, I craved more of God. I longed to feed on the rich nourishment of His Word, on intimate prayer and meditation and fellowship with other believers. As my roots grew deeper into His love, He revealed to me who I truly was. Not the weak, disappointing wife my husband told me I was, but God’s beloved, cherished child. As I feasted on His Word, I realized my true identity in Him. I no longer needed the unattainable good opinion of an emotionally abusive man.

During those three years, God prepared me for the coming storm by stirring my desire to sink my roots deep into Him so I could stand firm. I learned that Jesus Christ Himself is the soil where my soul finds nourishment and strength. As I absorbed His truths and teachings, the more I grew. I would not have survived the onslaught if not for complete dependence on Him. I could fill a book with stories of how He sustained me and my family during those painful times, which brings me back to the present, these closing days of 2022.

I prayerfully desire to bear fruit from my growth in the form of a memoir I am presently writing. Since God stirred my hunger for Him, I keep feeding upon His life-giving love. Growth needs to continue if I am to accomplish the task He has set. I cannot do it unless I abide in Him. He has established me, rooted and grounded in Himself, and is now calling me to tell my story in which He is the central figure.

I must admit, sending roots down in order to grow is not always easy. Sometimes the tender, searching roots hit stony ground. Writing my story requires me to revisit memories which come with residual emotional pain ˗˗ stones in the way of going deeper. Here God reminds me of the restorative healing He has done in me since then. Those memories no longer have power to wound me. My prayer is that the story of my healing journey will someday help others to find healing as they go deeper with God to become rooted and grounded in His love.

Your spiritual roots go deeply into His life as you are continually infused with strength, encouraged in every way. For you are established in the faith you have absorbed and enriched by devotion to Him! - (Col. 2:7 The Passion Translation)

More of Valerie's work can be read on her blog:


  1. Dear Valerie, your poignant words reveal spiritual and universal truths we all need to sink our roots into. Amen to: "I learned that Jesus Christ Himself is the soil where my soul finds nourishment and strength."
    Blessings as you continue to write the story God has given you. May it help many "to find healing as they go deeper with God to become rooted and grounded in His love."
    There's no better place to grow.

  2. Anonymous8:22 am GMT-7

    You had me at " the compounded trauma of a divorce, a cancer diagnosis and financial ruin..." "memories no longer have power to wound me." Val, thank you for sharing the secret of spiritual sustenance.

  3. Writing memoir is hard work for it seems that one relives the moments. I find it so in writing the story of our family's years on the equator. There are days when I go to my desk with reluctance, and days when I weep over the keyboard. There are also days when I giggle with joy. Being rooted and grounded in God's love is healing and strength. God bless you as you write.

  4. Thanks so much for your openness. When we go deep wonderful thing happen in our lives even through the toughest times.

  5. Thank you for your faithfulness and example, Valerie!

  6. What I have found about memoir (the type that has raw and hard parts) is that it wasn't always truly finished in my life yet if that makes sense; As I have struggled with writing mine for the past many years, and berating myself for not being able to get far enough with, a key piece of information that I had been missing, surfaced for me. Now what? It turned my memoir on its head that's what! LOL. If you ever wish to message and we can encourage, pray for each other, feel free.

  7. Valerie, I look forward to your memoir.


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