November 25, 2022

Unwavering Presence - Gloria Guest


Light, Mountain, Forgiveness, Redemption.

Where is the light?
The Redemption and Forgiveness?
There is only this 
Better if I had picked three other words, 
To accompany me through the past year
Confusion, Anger, Despair.

Now, in the waning days of November
I stare up at that Mountain,
Standing on its rocky footstool,
I have barely even begun to climb.
I take in its height and incline,
I can't climb that, I think.
But here it is
It's not moving
And so, I must

I know it can only be done
By holding that same hand,
That brought me this far, through this year,
Of valleys and unexpected, twists and turns,
I hope I don't fall, I think
You might, I hear
But I've got you,
I always do.

And so, I gingerly step up and out 
Perhaps, I think, those other words
Light, Forgiveness, Redemption
Will track me into this new year,
Full of the unexpected,
Yet full of Gods steady hand and 
Unwavering presence.

"Man plans his way but the Lord establishes his steps."
Proverbs 16:9 (ESV)

Gloria writes from Caron, Sk on issues close to her heart, 
through memoir, fiction, non-fiction & poetry. She has
published many newspaper articles and columns throughout
various newspaper in the province, has some pieces published in
anthologies, and continues to take editing classes from SFU.


  1. Thank you, dear Gloria, for this wise and lovely poem.
    Praise the Lord for His "steady hand and
    unwavering presence."

    1. Thank you Wendy. My head was so scattered and settling on a poem really helped.

  2. The final stanza is very powerful and full of hope. I pray that those words WILL track you in the coming year!

    1. Thanks Tracy. I was perhaps a little over ambitious to choose four LOL. The year was anything than what I expected and sort of knocked the wind out of me. I call it a whiplash year. Still, because of God, I do always lean into hope, even for those seemingly hopeless situations.

  3. Henry Vanderpyl9:45 am GMT-7

    Your poem and the ending scripture made me think of destiny, or should I say 'destination'. Your writing is very thought provoking.

    1. Thank you. I find that scripture so fitting for life!

  4. Yes, He's always with us, holding us and strengthening us. May those three words lead you into a new season of hope.
    I replied re blogging on your comment on my post of earlier this week. Let me know if you have any questions.

  5. I love your honesty in this poem and the hope it brings. I see Light in it!


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