March 31, 2022

The Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit by Sandi Somers


Image by

This April, because Easter is coming near the middle of the month, we'll turn our attention to one aspect of Jesus’ death and resurrection that we don’t usually emphasize until Pentecost six weeks later.

Just before Jesus left earth (and his disciples), he promised to give them the Holy Spirit.

“I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth…I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you” (John 14:16,18 NLT)

Jesus was not introducing a new concept, however. God promised through the prophet Joel centuries before Jesus that the Spirit would come in a new and fuller way.

“I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions...I will pour out my Spirit even on servants—men and women alike” (Joel 2:28-29)

And so at Pentecost, God poured out the Spirit on everyone gathered together. And this gift carries through to us today.

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What does His power and presence mean to me as a writer?

I’ve never seen such clear insights of the Spirit’s leading and empowerment as in Ken Kuhlken’s, Writing and the Spirit: Advice for Anybody Who Hopes to Change the World. “The engine of our creativity flows through the Spirit to us,” he wrote. “Words, images, or lines that spring to mind most unexpectedly” are gifts from the Spirit.

·        Confidence that the story will “find its way and lead us to some event that brings the other stuff together.”

·        Structure: The Spirit will “guide us to the right place in our story to use a certain thought or image, so that it can achieve the greatest impact.”

·        “Directions or clues that seem to come out of nowhere.”

·        On a grander scale, the Spirit will direct us to the “theme or epic narrative” that will define our life’s work. “William Butler Yeats proposed that, for each of us, there may exist one archetypal story or explanatory myth that, being understood, might clarify all we do and think, and so explain our destiny.”[i]


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As believers, we have the Spirit poured out on us in so many ways.


·        Once we’ve accepted Jesus as our Saviour, the Spirit dwells within us (Romans 8:11).

·        He teaches us, bringing all things to our remembrance (John 4:26).

·        He produced godly fruit in us (Galatians 5:22-23).

·        He equips us with Spiritual gifts.

·        He equips us in every single thing we do.

·        He takes our faltering prayers and interprets them according to the will of God (Romans 8:26-27).

·        He brings to mind Scripture—to encourage, correct, instruct (Hebrews 4:12), and to give authority to our prayers


So much more can be added! Our writers this month will explore a kaleidoscope of perspectives and experiences to illustrate the presence and power of the Spirit. 

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Now it’s your turn.

What does the coming of the Spirit mean to you? How do you understand Him in your life and circumstances---and in your writing?

[i] Ken Kuhlken. Writing and the Spirit: Advice for Anybody Who Hopes to Change the World. OakTara Publishers. 2013. Pp. 12-13. 


March 29, 2022

Rick Derringer: "It's Raining"

This American guitarist had a few minor hits in the seventies. this album track is about a couple sheltering from a hurricane.. Check it out here.

Whenever we end up unable to leave home, like we did during the COVID-19 pandemic, we can use the Apostle Paul's idea to make the best of it. During Paul's frequent imprisonments, he used his down time to write letters. 

In Philippians 1:12-14, he noted that his jail time was in some ways advantageous. The Bible in Basic English renders it this way.

"Now it is my purpose to make clear to you, brothers, that the cause of the good news has been helped by my experiences; So that it became clear through all the Praetorium, and to all the rest, that I was a prisoner on account of Christ; And most of the brothers in the Lord, taking heart because of my chains, are all the stronger to give the word of God without fear."

When Joseph was sold by his brothers as a slave, he made the best of that bad situation too. Genesis 39:5 and 6 (BBE) tells us, "And from the time when he made him overseer and gave him control of all his property, the blessing of the Lord was with the Egyptian, because of Joseph; the blessing of the Lord was on all he had, in the house and in the field. And he gave Joseph control of all his property, keeping no account of anything, but only the food which was put before him.

And when Potiphar's wife got Joseph in trouble for not having an affair with him, Genesis 40:21-23 (BBE) tells us of yet another betrayal. "And he put the chief wine-servant back in his old place; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand. But the chief bread-maker was put to death by hanging, as Joseph had said. But the wine-servant did not keep Joseph in mind or give a thought to him.

Now some folks will say that this was long ago. But Jesus promised he'd be with his people always. John 14:18 (BBE) reads, "I will not let you be without a friend: I am coming to you."

One advantage we modern-day Christians have is the Internet. Through it, we can hear and see one another. It's nowhere as nice as meeting in person but it's better than the isolation experienced by biblical heroes.

March 25, 2022

He Touched Me - Gloria Guest

I believe in the power of human touch. I didn’t always. Due to my basic personality and childhood trauma, touch was not always comfortable for me, although over the years I’d grown so much in that area. But even now, after being deprived of hugs from acquaintances and friends alike and even family, I’m never going to be one who wants to go around hugging everyone. However, watching the light go out of my granddaughters’ eyes and be replaced with something that looked like a mixture of confusion and hurt, when I pulled away from their offered hugs the first time we saw them right after covid was labeled a ‘pandemic’, was an experience I’ll never forget. The relief I felt when their mom and dad told us to go ahead and give them a hug was palatable. So we did. And we have been ever since. I can sense the judgment. That’s okay. I’ve survived two years of judgments over this subject and was even called the ‘worst grandmother ever’. My grandchildren don’t share that opinion, so I can deal with that nasty remark too. Human beings ‘need’ touch. It’s a proven fact that we do better physically, emotionally, psychologically and yes, spiritually with touch. Jesus reached out to the lepers with touch and I’ve tried to imagine what that must have felt like for them. They had most likely gone years without the touch of another human being. And Jesus touched them! I believe that not only did it bring about their physical healing but that it must have brought a deep emotional and spiritual healing as well. Even while still in the midst of their disease, Jesus was saying that they were worthy to be touched. All through covid, I couldn’t help but imagine what Jesus response to all these ever changing measures, which were imposed on people, would be. I certainly couldn’t envision him in a mask nor could I see him refusing to touch someone, or encouraging his disciples to never touch another. If you can, that’s fine. But I sure can’t. And so, I suppose the silver lining throughout this whole ‘pandemic’ for me has been that I grew exponentially in understanding the power of ‘touch,’ an area of my life that had been damaged so much in the past. It’s just so ironic that it came in at a time when we were being told that all touch was dangerous and to be avoided. God’s healing came to me by continuing to hug my grandchildren and family, using common sense and caution, whilst shutting out the outside voices that thought they had the right to steal that from us. As a result, I held my precious, new born grandson. And I’ve never seen that look of hurt and confusion in my grandchildren’s eyes again. You cannot get time back. You cannot get back those times of bonding that little children need so much. Adults too. Their mom and dad were not allowed to bring the children in to see their great-grandmother as she lived in a nursing home in the community. In fact she was only allowed one family member. And so for the last year and a half of her life she waned away, unconvinced that it wasn’t because we’d all lost interest in her. She went deep into depression and died a year ago this month. That to me was sheer cruelty. As a grandmother myself, I know that I’d much rather put myself in some danger than to not be allowed to see my grandchildren for over a year or more. Death comes in many ways, and not always physically first. Death can come to the soul when one is deprived of the very basic need of touch; of human contact and connection. I have felt through this entire ‘pandemic’ that common sense (the baby) was thrown out with the bathwater and replaced with fear and division and governmental agendas. I for one am glad that our immediate family was able to come together on this subject; to agree on what was healthiest and best for the children in our family, to use caution and common sense as a measuring stick, and to listen to what we felt the heart of God was saying to us. And I am so thankful that God has used this time in my life to bring further healing to me regarding the healing power of touch. Thankful that He touched me.
Pre-Pandemic picture of my granddaughter napping with her great-grandmother. Blessings to you and yours. Gloria blogs and writes from her prairie home in Caron, Sk. Her genres include memoir, fiction, non-fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry. Currently she is working on an illustrated small book including a poem about the province of Saskatchewan that she has come to love, along with taking editing classes from Simon Fraser University.

March 23, 2022

A Seismic Shift ~ Valerie Ronald


The vast airport terminal echoed with the footsteps of an occasional person walking by me, otherwise it was eerily silent and empty. A massive shutdown of air travel in March of 2020 happened days before I was to return home from Vancouver Island to Manitoba, but I managed to secure a flight. A microscopic enemy, COVID-19, held the world hostage in the grip of a pandemic. During those early days as reports of rising numbers of infections and deaths flooded the news, we had no idea how deeply and permanently this virus would affect us all.

Like the rest of you, I adjusted to social distancing, wearing a mask, using hand sanitizer and doing without most of my usual social activities. However, I was accustomed to living a simple, quiet life so it wasn’t a huge change. In fact, it prompted a decision I had been praying about for some time, of whether I should retire from my job. After returning from out-of-province and self-isolating for two weeks, I realized that I would rather be home where I could pursue my writing goals and focus on ministry at our small church. Also, as a cancer survivor with an auto-immune disease, I was more at risk of contracting the virus if I continued to work with the public. Having the blessing of God’s peace made the decision to retire an easy one.

What impacted me more was the effect on my emotional and spiritual life caused by the seismic shift inflicted by COVID-19. Yes, I admit to grumbling sometimes about the inconvenience and isolation, yet in some ways the good results outweighed the bad. Health issues caused me to tire easily, so being home allowed me to pace my activities and rest when I needed it. Having adequate rest improved my creative and cognitive abilities. I revelled in having time for my favourite activities of reading, writing, photography and painting.

In assessing news and events related to the pandemic from a Christian worldview, I considered how I could speak God’s truth effectively into a panicking, fearful world. The answer was a simple one ˗˗ by living it. 

Walking in peace, not panic.

Fostering faith, not fear.

Holding out hope, not hysteria.

Within my modest circle of influence I intentionally increased my words of affirmation, found ways to encourage those in service sectors, checked in with family more often and prayed with friends over the phone or Zoom. Small, everyday acts done with great love ˗˗ the love of Christ. The pandemic intensified the need for, and significance of, kindness and compassion in a world on edge.  

Not long before Jesus was crucified, He spoke to His disciples about what was to happen to Him and to them. The disciples found much of His message baffling, so He concluded with words of reassurance. 

“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)  

Can any of us fully understand the complex events and unseen forces affecting our world today? We wonder if they are portents of the end times predicted in scripture ˗˗ earthquakes, famines, pestilence, wars and rumours of war. I do not have a thorough understanding of biblical prophecy, so when I read it I do so trusting in God’s providence to fulfill His will perfectly. Meditating on what Jesus said to His disciples in the above passage helps put things in perspective. Firstly, He did not say, you might have trouble, He said, you will have trouble. It is a given in this life. Then He encouraged them with these hope-filled words, but take heart! I have overcome the world.    

His exhortation is worth repeating to our own weary souls when the troubles of this world weigh us down. It appears COVID-19 is with us to stay. And war is more than a rumour, it is a grim reality. Only in our Savior, Jesus Christ, can we find and share peace, because He has overcome the world through the power of His cross and the completion of His plan of salvation for all who believe in Him.   

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27) 

   More of Valerie's work can be read on her blog.


March 22, 2022

Covid Lessons by Lorrie Orr


San Josef Bay on the northeastern corner of Vancouver Island. We vacationed there just as everything was closing down because of the pandemic in March 2020.

Thursday, March 12, 2020 - All teachers were called to an unexpected staff meeting at lunchtime. The decision had been made to close school one day earlier than planned before spring break due to a parent exposure to Covid-19. Excitement over an extra day's vacation mixed with uncertainty over what the future might hold among students and staff alike. 

When BC made the decision to not open schools after the break, teachers went into high gear. I set up an office in the dining room, learned how to use Google Classroom, and digitized all of my learning resources. I learned how to video myself teaching and to present it both live and recorded to my students. It was a steep learning curve.

Students themselves were in shock. Many didn't bother showing up for virtual classes. Our counseling staff spent long hours dealing with students who, with sports and extracurricular activities curtailed, simply crashed into deep depression. 

My husband is the director for long-term care on Vancouver Island. His work load increased exponentially. Many of his staff worked from home, but Tim went into his office each day. When outbreaks in care homes were suspected, usually on weekends and holidays, it seemed, he spent hours and hours in virtual meetings, often late into the evening. I spent much time alone.

In order to cope with the loneliness, isolation from family and friends, and working from home, I developed some new routines, and used my creativity to connect in different ways.

* I made sure to go for a walk every day. Exercise helps my mood.

* When I was finished my school duties, I put on Chopin's Nocturnes to mark the shift from school duties to home duties. Cooking dinner became a delight as I listened to the beautiful music. 

* For my husband's first Covid birthday party, I created an online quiz game for the family and we all said visited over Zoom. Our youngest announced the upcoming arrival of a new baby during this party.

*In place of the usual Easter egg hunt at Nana's, I delivered baskets of goodies, and then held a virtual egg hunt. I photographed plastic eggs hidden in the garden, took photos, printed them, and sent them to everyone with instructions not to open them until instructed. The kids had fun finding the eggs in the photos and we all watched via Zoom.

* Christmas 2020 was so lonely. I thought I could handle it as well as everything else, but that day I wept. Another long walk with Tim helped get me into better spirits. 

As the pandemic wanes, I look back and admire the resiliency of society in dealing with the restrictions. I look around me now and am saddened by the vitriol and division that characterizes some aspects of society. I look ahead with cautious optimism to fewer restrictions, but also some trepidation as the war in Ukraine continues. The world has changed. There are always new lessons to learn. I am so thankful that God has not changed and remains the same loving, faithful, good God as he has been throughout the ages. 

Lorrie Orr writes from Vancouver Island where she enjoys boating and hiking with her husband. Gardening, reading, sewing, and spending time with her five grandchildren fill her days when she isn't teaching Spanish at a local high school. 

March 21, 2022

A Tale of Two Years - Tracy Krauss

It was the best of times... it was the worst of times...

This famous line from the beginning of Charles' Dickens' classic A Tale of Two Cities pretty much sums up the past two years. 

In those first months of Covid, the phrase "Together Apart" perfectly captured the unity of purpose that many people felt in 2020 as they learned new ways of staying connected despite the isolation. Everyone was zooming and putting hearts in windows and baking and sharing it online... Fast forward to 2021, and Covid fatigue plus an every moving yo-yo of loosening and then tightening restrictions had people taking sides. 

In my view, the disunity that ensued (and still lingers) has very little to do with one's actual ideology about vaccines, masks, mandates, convoys, emergency measures - or ANYTHING else. It has been a very successful campaign on the part of the devil himself to divide and conquer. 

To me, that is the real tragedy--and it makes me mad! (At the devil!) BUT - jokes on him! This pandemic did not take GOD by surprise. So, rather than take sides, I've tried to keep my focus on prayer and praise. 

Here are some of the GOOD times:

- InScribe's Virtual Fall Conferences were both huge success stories. They brought together people who might not normally attend. The 2020 FC was especially impactful for the executive, I think, since we actually pulled it off -- and successfully, too! The 2021 FC was also excellent, although I think some people were also missing the personal contact by that time. Fall Conference is just one example of how we've learned to adapt the way we do business/school/etc. 

- Like many others, I was quite productive. I got books written and published, I increased my marketing efforts, I learned some new skills (video editing as an example), and more. I also decided it was time to take action instead of just "wishing" when it came to some other things in my life. For example, I had always wished to speak other languages, especially German, since my father was a German speaker. Using both Rosetta Stone and Duolingo, I'm still at it. I am far from fluent, but the other day I actually understood something someone said while in a store. (I was eavesdropping.) 

- My husband and I actually did well financially over the pandemic. I realize this was not the case for many people, but in our case it was. We just weren't spending. Another reason is, he worked a lot of overtime in 2020. (Good for the pocketbook. Not so good for relationships.) 

- I had two new grandsons born in 2020! Hooray! One daughter who lived in Victoria actually moved back to Tumbler Ridge because her university courses were switched to online. She was able to finish her degree while staying home with her new baby and we got to see lots more of her and little Freddie than if they had been in Victoria. 

Here are some of the not-so-good times:

- I've lost some of the joy I initially felt while pursuing my interests. Things aren't quite as much fun as I remember. When the pandemic first hit I started playing the piano every day. That petered away over the summer of 2021 and I just haven't bothered to pick it up again. I'm still productive - I'm too stubborn not to be - but I empathize with some of the other people in this series who talked about watching too much Netflix. I've let more mindless activity fill my days in 2021 than I did in 2020. 

- Living Apart. In 2020 when the pandemic first hit, my husband was working away and lived in a camp. In order to keep production going, his employer asked if he would be willing to stay in their "bubble". He ended up being away for thirteen weeks! Then, after a week at home, he was away again for another five weeks. So, while it dramatically enhanced our finances, it was a long season of living apart. (Not what we signed up for when we got married!)

- Some of the tension over ideological differences has affected my own family. While I have been very intentional about not engaging and trying to stay neutral, I won't lie and say it hasn't been stressful. It breaks my heart to see people I love at odds with one another. 

- I've gained weight. I'm not sure what else to add to this one other than to say, I am not happy about this outcome but have no one to blame but myself! (Related to the mindless TV watching, I suspect...)

Reflecting on the positives and negatives of the past two years has helped me put things in perspective. I can't help thinking about what others have gone through that is so much worse. 

Tracy Krauss
lives and works from her home in Tumbler Ridge, BC. Visit her website - fiction on the edge without crossing the line - 

March 18, 2022

A Wounded Healer’s Reflections of Covid-19 by Alan Anderson


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God…2 Corinthians 1: 3-4



A few years ago, as part of my preparation for a workshop I read a book by Henri Nouwen entitled The Wounded Healer. The reflections I present in this blog post are from my point of view as a “wounded healer.”


A Reflection on Covid-19


The Covid-19 pandemic has put the spotlight on the brokenness of the world and the need for healers. The whole planet is broken. Here in the West with a reputation of the denial of grief and death we have been smacked across the face of society. Only the most hardened arrogance can continue to deny the reality of pain, suffering and death. This all exposes the need for wounded healers.



The Wounded Healer


If you are unfamiliar with one being a wounded healer here is a brief overview.


  • ·       The call of a wounded healer is to come alongside other people and comfort them
  • ·       Wounded healers acknowledge their own woundedness and practice self-care
  • ·       A wounded healer walks for often there is no need to run
  • ·       They accept the love and support of people who care for them…those who empathize with them
  • ·       Personal suffering enables one to come alongside people with patience and presence
  • ·       The act of coming alongside is to help others know they are not alone in their suffering
  • ·       A wounded healer keeps grief and suffering out of the shadows by entering its difficult territory and listens to the stories of others.



As a wounded healer I am aware of how the pandemic has crippled my life. There are things in life I miss.


Life I Miss

I miss hugs. I miss going to a coffee shop first thing in the morning and writing. I miss feeling free and safe. I miss going to visit my kids and grandkids whenever I want. I miss walking down a street and seeing all sorts of people going all sorts of places. Before life became a bit more relaxed here in BC, I missed my church family more than they may ever know.



As a wounded healer I am also aware of my own emotional woundedness, yet this does not disable my desire to help other people. You see, wounded healers are ambassadors of hope. We live in the hope of God.



Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful…Hebrews 10:23



Wounded Healers Embrace Hope


Most of my life has been devoted to helping people, to encourage them, and accompany them on their grief journeys. In "retirement," I write about life and the things we endure like the Covid pandemic. Yes, we can endure this monster because we live with hope.



Hope is like the huge smile of a child soon to burst forth as a belly laugh. Hope sees the pain of the world yet also sees the healing there is because God has sent His Son to be our Wounded Healer. Our hope is sealed. 



My dear friends, join with me in the need for wounded healers in our world. Wounded healers represent hope. Together despite our own woundedness we can offer real and eternal hope to all we meet.


Please join me as a Wounded Healer. Are you in?


Alan lives in Deroche, B.C. with his wife, Terry. He contributed stories to Good Grief People by Angel Hope Publishing, 2017; Story by Story: The Power of a Writer, Unstoppable Writers Publishing, 2018. Alan periodically writes articles for FellowScript Magazine. He has written posts for our InScribe blog since 2015. Blog:

March 16, 2022

Choosing My Focus by Lorilee Guenter

 March 14, 2020 I joined others from around the province at our church for an evening of praise and worship. March 15, our morning service was cancelled due to the rapidly changing public health orders. Twelve hours meant the difference between gathering and not. Twelve hours left us as a church no time to pivot to an online service, but one week did. One week later, what would become normal began with an online gathering.

Two years later, no one knows what normal is. The news touts numbers and statistics. Friends, family, neighbours, and colleagues discuss, debate, or avoid the latest theories and predictions. I find myself in each of those categories. I avoid because I do not want to dwell on what might have been and what could be. I discuss because I want to know enough to choose well without fear and panic. I debate on occasion because sometimes I enjoy a good debate if it helps us understand each other.

Mostly, I try to ignore the siren song of fear. There will always be something to fear. We live in a broken world. War, disease, and disaster happen. I do not have the power to change that.

I can choose my response. I can choose to believe that God is still present, and is not caught by surprise, so I trust. I can choose to trust that God has the power to change circumstances. So I pray. I have the choice to choose faith or fear. I wish I could say I always choose faith. Unfortunately, there are times when the crush of voices and the unknown ever changing data cause fear, discouragement, and overwhelm to start rising.

I struggled to begin writing about the last two years because I have worked to change my focus. We are encouraged to think about what is true, honourable, just, pure, and commendable (Phil 4:8). A focus on what is excellent and worthy of praise is much healthier than division and fear. The only way I can focus on the blessings in the midst of all circumstances is by focusing on the One who is true, honourable, just, pure, and praise-worthy. With that focus, fear disappears and compassion has a place to grow.

March 15, 2022

Perspective by Carol Harrison


Living in the past with its troubles and regrets doesn't allow us to be fully present in the here and now. However, I believe looking back at where I've been and how God has been working in my life, allows me to gain a new perspective. Writing this blog post has given me the opportunity to reflect back over the last two years during COVID. We all have stories to tell, thoughts to reflect on, and blessings found in the middle of the pandemic. Here is my look back and my perspective in my own life. 

As news about this COVID virus arriving in Canada played across the airways two years ago, I must admit to moments of fear. I listened to reports of how it attacked people’s breathing and the alarming numbers of those dying in other countries or needing ventilators to survive added huge concerns for me. With my asthma, even bronchitis or a very bad cold can make breathing extremely difficult. Lung infections also usually last longer than for those without asthma.

Stores ran out of basic things like toilet paper and other essentials for a period of time. Constant reports of numbers sick with the virus or dying from it and health order added to the frustration of the unknown. I didn’t want to live my life in fear. God never called me, as His child, to live that way. How would I find the balance between exercising caution and succumbing to life-altering fear?

I had to begin by giving my fear to God and trust He would see me through no matter what happened. I made sure to wash my hands and avoid hanging out with someone who was ill. I’d always been diligent about those things to avoid colds or bronchitis anyway. The fear subsided but some of my frustrations continued to grow. Listening to the news and not knowing how accurate any reports might be, hearing the polar opposite opinions of many, and observing a lack of compassion growing between those with differing opinions allowed the darkness of depression to attempt sneaking in and taking up permanent residence.

I quit listening to the news. I prayed for God to grant me wisdom and patience with the mandates, those whose thoughts differed from my own, and with life in general. The process of figuring life in the “new normal” meant taking those needs back to God on a regular basis. He impressed on me many verses about showing kindness to others and trying to live in peace with others.

As 2021 began I asked God for a word for the year. What he impressed on me was a phrase- compassionate connection. What might that look like in a world that where physical distancing and staying apart had become mandated and encouraged? I gathered with a few family members or friends in person when we were able but texts, emails, and phone calls became an important way to connect. I spent time writing and editing, finishing projects that had been on hold for too long, and realized this was also a way to connect with others – my readers. I prayed what I wrote could be an encouragement to them.

Fear and depression never took up residence again, although they tried to barge their way in too often. In the fall of 2021, my asthma flared up along with what I thought was a bout of bronchitis. I increased my inhalers, used my nebulizer, rested and drank plenty of water while I waited out the Thanksgiving long weekend to talk to my doctor. I coughed and wheezed but it had happened many times before. It turned out to be COVID and asthma but my doctor told me I had done what he would have prescribed and to continue it. Despite my precautions, the virus arrived in my home and my body but I survived.

Now a new year has begun with no end in sight of this virus and all that has gone with it. It has dominated conversations instead of the weather, polarized people’s opinions, and caused many to live in fear. Yet there have been positives for me too.

The enforced extra time at home allowed me to finish a number of projects and find others to begin. I quit taking things for granted like connecting with family and friends, attending church services that looked like they always had, and learned to trust God to take away fears in a new way. I missed the Sundays I stayed home and watched the service on-line but appreciated how far the reach could be. Several times I had the opportunity to be on a Zoom call with writers from all over the world. The technology had been there to do that, but I never thought about using it. It changed how I viewed the world and the ability to interact with and learn from others.

In all honesty, the past two years have been challenging in many ways and there are days I still struggle to see the positives and the beauty. It takes effort. Only with God’s help can I stop procrastinating, shutting myself away from connecting with others, and complaining of what I don’t have or can’t do instead of focusing on looking for the blessings.  

Galatians 6: 9,10 are good reminders for me. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do no give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

As the world around me continues to be full of trouble, sickness, wars, and differing opinions, I pray I will remember none of this comes as a surprise to God. He only asks me to continue to trust Him in all things, be obedient, and treat others with compassion.


Carol Harrison, B.Ed. from Saskatoon, SK Canada is an inspirational speaker, published

author, and storyteller. She has a passion for sharing stories from real-life experiences and God’s Word to help others find a glimmer of hope and a glimpse of joy.