February 19, 2021

Something more.. By Vickie Stam

Here I am - I feel as if I am being swallowed up by our Covid pandemic. This widespread frenzy is truly challenging me. I desperately want to get back to visiting with family and friends - to feel alive and not just living. I know, it probably sounds a little overstated and somewhat whiny. 

The truth is that I long to sit in a coffee shop with my pen and paper or laptop and simply people watch. I look forward to seeing the affection that someone has for their early morning cup of java. Watch their face light up when they take their first sip. I can almost hear those obscene slurping sounds that used to annoy me or take in the tinkle of a spoon one too many times rasping against the porcelain mug. Oh how wonderful that would be! 

Those little opportunities that I once took for granted are now pushing their way into my thoughts. They weigh heavy - like a burden instead of something I hope for. Who would have thought that something so trivial would mean so much to me? Such an intense desire to be where people can once again interact.  

Without even knowing it, a room full of strangers can set in motion the seeds for ideas. Colours come to life, a fashionista trying to start a new trend introduces a character. Whispers, rumblings and hummers all have a way of stirring the writer in me. They provide the backdrop to a multitude of stories. 

I must admit that I have lost my zeal for writing. My lack of interaction to have silenced my passion. This road to recovery feels so long. Each day I need more patience to ride it out.

I can't say that I was one of those people that was allowing my life to wear me out. I never could function at high speed. Now I feel as though I am ready to go full steam ahead and this too feels odd to me. 

I'm asking God to refresh my heart, renew my spirit and encourage me along this extraordinary path we're all on. New beginnings are on the horizon. Though I am thankful for the quiet times I have had over the past year, I am ready for something other than Covid.



  1. Thank you for your honesty. I have to admit, even though I like to think I am the eternal optimist, I have been having some trouble myself feeling motivated these days... I think this ongoing pandemic is affecting people in more ways than we think.

  2. Thanks for this Vicky. I hear your heart.

  3. I too am angry at this lockdown. The facts tell me that the flu virus isn't as bad as so-called experts say. Lockdowns are killing businesses and causing horrific mental trauma. And though each death is a tragedy, it's mainly elderly folks in care homes and immune-compromised folks who are the most vulnerable. I hope and pray our leaders will wake up and realize what their policies are doing to the people they should be helping.

    1. Yes Bruce, I also wonder what the future holds for people if the lockdowns continue.

  4. Vickie, I hear you. Even as an introvert, I’m craving social interaction. 🙏❤️

    1. Thanks Pam. Introverts need to social - maybe not as much as extroverts but we are social butterflies in our ways. For me, It's not about 'filling' my social life as much as it is about being 'fulfilled' by my social life.

  5. Vickie, I hear you. Even as an introvert, I’m craving social interaction. 🙏❤️

  6. Hi Vickie! As your writing buddy I have failed you. I apologize in a huge way I have not contacted you for a while. I resonate with your post word for word. I long for the same things you mention. Like Pam, "I'm craving social interaction." The pandemic restrictions don't seem factor in our emotional health. I get it, with the threat of spreading CoVid, blah blah blah, but we still miss coffee shop pondering and the like. On the other hand, we can get through this. I'll email and chat with you soon. :) Blessings to you.

    1. You have not failed me, my friend. We're all in this together and so many of us are feeling the emotional turmoil from the pandemic. It's just wonderful to be able to express how we feel without being judged for our feelings.

    2. Thanks for your gracious understanding, Vickie. Yes, emotional turmoil is something our government and health officials can't seem to take into consideration. We can help each other however. Encourage each other.

  7. Thanks for your vulnerable post. I will stand in prayer with you that God will indeed, “refresh your heart, renew your spirit and provide encouragement.” and that it will be more than enough for each and every day.


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