March 27, 2020

Releasing Control by Lorilee Guenter

Growing up, we did not observe Lent. Until the last few years, I did not even consider the meaning behind the tradition it was just something other people did. Since then, I have observed it sometimes. Most of them came with much struggle, human struggle. My struggle to be in control through this time, as with other times, reared its head. The more I strive and struggle on my own, the harder it becomes. Words get lost in the turmoil. Ideas hide behind walls. Everything becomes difficult.

During all my struggling a gentle voice calls  but I don't hear it unless I pause to listen:
"Come and rest. Come enjoy my company. Let me show you my grace and love through my sacrifice for you. Come let me remove your old ways of thinking. Let me heal you as I teach you. Come walk in my peace and power. Then my peace, love, grace and mercy can flow through you to others."

When I listen, when I step out of the way, the words return along with the peace. I stop overthinking and striving. I give up control and I gain peace. I gain ideas and words to share encouragement, to share story, and to share so much more.

As I wrestle this season with what it means to sacrifice and prepare, to remember the reason we celebrate Easter, I realise that control is something that I need to regularly release. I keep taking it back until I am once again reminded that His sacrifice is enough. I can trust the control of my life to the Lord  Jesus Christ and His Spirit at work in me. He is always enough.


  1. Thank you for sharing your heart, Lorilee. I also love the photograph!

  2. Thanks for sharing your heart, Lorilee, and for sharing how God is giving you peace as you let go of control and rest in Him.

  3. Thanks for sharing, Lorilee. I didn’t grow up observing Lent to any great extent, but it has become more and more of a blessing to me since I joined the Catholic church when I married my husband in 1975. Lent isn’t, however, just for Catholics.

    When I read your beautiful paragraph that begins, “Come and rest,” I thought of what Jesus said about coming to him to find rest. “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30) Perhaps Lent this year is a time for me to adjust that yoke so it does feel light and easy, which is the way it should feel every day of the year. Thank you for your thoughts, Lorilee. May God bless you in your writing and in your life.


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