February 13, 2018

Writing from the Heart - Wendy L. Macdonald

I don’t remember many details from lectures and sermons I’ve heard; however, there’s one thing that always captures my attention enough for it to stay embedded in my heart and mind. But before I share that with you, let’s dig into the theme for February.

     How does my writing, blogging, and podcasting offer the hope and redemption of God? I’m a storyteller. Through fiction and memoir writing, I share the hope, healing, and comfort I’ve found in Jesus Christ. Years ago, the Lord delivered me from eating disorders; and as a result: 

My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep. 
     I tried—really tried—to rescue myself. But as a young adult, I turned away from my shallow faith and fell into deep darkness. If my faith had been well-rooted to begin with, I believe I wouldn’t have turned away from His Light. But turn away I did.

     I also walked through a dark decade of infertility. I know what it’s like to have hope dashed month after month, year after year. In my despair I eventually learned to trust God to comfort me and enable me to stop hiding my disappointment from Him, myself, and others.

     I’ve also recently uncovered a mystery from my past that I hope to share one day. For I received comfort and healing to believe I’m good enough under the blood of Christ despite abuse and neglect I suffered earlier in life. 

     Rescue and recovery are huge themes in my heart. And a few years ago, when I participated in a Beth Moore Bible study that centered on Isaiah 61:1, I realized afresh why this passion to preach recovery in Christ is strong in me; it’s because it’s foundational to God’s vision for us too.

The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.
 Isaiah 61:1 KJV

     If Jesus was anointed to preach Good News to the broken, then His followers are too, as it says in Ephesians 5:1-2 NIV:

Follow God's example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

     In response to my from-the-heart memoir sharing, I’ve had people thank me for being honest—for being real. When we dare to write deep, it reaches readers’ hearts. Our vulnerability softens the spirit of the suffering and enables them to receive God’s healing touch at the core of their own brokenness. When we inspire others with our recovery story, they aspire to enter recovery too.
Our stories tells others with similar experiences they’re not alone.

    We shine His hope into their dark present when we expose our dark past. We were comforted so we’d point to the Comforter. We weren’t intended to simply stay comfortable; we are instructed to play the role of a compass directing others to the Source of healing. 

Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
 2 Corinthians 1:4 NIV

They won’t know if we don’t tell.

     And when we do tell a personal story, rather than just share a lecture, devotional, or sermon, it will stay with the listener for years to come. For as I mentioned at the beginning of this post, some things stick to the heart forever. 

Have you recently written about a time when God comforted you during a troubling season?

I’m nosy-to-know.  

Blessings ~ Wendy Mac   


  1. Amen! May we shine His hope in a dark world! Loved reading this!!

    1. Thank you, dear Becky. His love is the hope our world needs the most.
      Blessings as you continue to shine His Light ~ Wendy Mac

  2. Love your openness and honesty Wendy. To answer your question, that seems to be most of what I write about lately. Finding out God is there in ways I never expected. And it’s wonderful!

    1. Dear Kim, I love your words: "Finding out God is there in ways I never expected." Yes, that is "wonderful."
      Blessings as you continue to write about God ~ Wendy Mac

  3. Keep on sharing what God has been teaching you! This is powerful stuff!

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. Whenever I doubt the call to write deep, God shows up and speaks encouragement through others--like you. Thank you. xo It's scary to write from the heart. But it would scarier to be caught burying my story in the sand when He returns to see how I invested what He's given me.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  4. In answer to your questions, Wendy: Yes, I have written about God's comfort and guidance through bouts of depression. With God's help, I have learned and grown through these rough times. I have learned that I do much better when I share the yoke of my burdens with Christ.

    When I have written openly and honestly about my experiences with depression, others have connected with what I write and told me how this has helped them. God is my refuge and my strength and I am happy to share my story.

    1. Dear Sharon, your kind of writing is my favorite kind. Even in fiction stories, from-the-heart words can be used to deepen a character's story arc.
      Blessings as you continue to help others know they're not alone ~ Wendy Mac


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