November 04, 2017

What God Can Do by Susan Barclay

I occasionally remember to pray before I begin to write, but I have to admit it's not yet become a habit. It is one, however, that I want to develop and am working on.

In general, my prayer life is something I've been working on for the last couple of years, beginning with Jim Cymbala's study, When God's People Pray and going on to his books Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire; Fresh Faith; Fresh Power and Spirit Rising. While I'd heard of the Brooklyn Tabernacle before thanks to its renowned Choir, I wasn't at all familiar with Cymbala until reading the first guide, and then I fell in love with everything he had to say about prayer and Holy Spirit moving. I can't recommend his books highly enough. He is on to something!

Other books that have proven helpful on the subject of prayer include Rees Howells: Intercessor by Norman P. Grubb and The Kneeling Christian, author unknown. I've just begun The Daniel Prayer study at church, a video series led by Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of evangelist Billy Graham. We've only just covered the first lesson in which we learn about Anne's approach to Bible study. Perhaps a whole other subject, but one she clearly feels is important before looking at the matter of prayer.

Prayer is one of the foundational disciplines of the Christian life and growing our prayer life is important. Though I can't think of a specific time when God infused my writing with His thoughts and desires, I think He has done so in spite of my failure to faithfully invite Him into my writing. When I look back at some of my blog posts, both here and on my personal blog, I'm often amazed at the depth I find. 

"That was me?"

No, that was Him! To God be the glory; He is faithful when we are not. Word of God, speak! 

 "Please let me stay and rest in your holiness."
Please visit Susan Barclay at her website,


  1. I think we've all been there in terms of not always praying like we should, especially before writing. But praise God, as you said, that He is faithful even when we aren't! Thanks for a great post and some really good resources. I will have to look them up.

    1. They are excellent resources, Tracy! The Kneeling Christian and the Rees Howells book are written in an older style, but what examples of powerful prayer lives!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I have to admit that my morning prayer life is not like that of later in the day. I love your honesty and I agree with Tracy, God is faithful even when we aren't.

    1. Thanks for your affirmation and encouragement, Vickie. We are all works in progress! The "trick" is to never stop growing and to trust He uses us in spite of ourselves.

  3. Thank you for this post, I laughed when you wrote about looking back to see the depth in some of the posts--was that me? I have also been surprised by the way the spirit has added depth. And the music link was excellent-I liked the line about, "finding myself for a loss of words, and the funny thing is it's ok" ... My writing has struggled with loss of words--and now it's good to be affirmed that it's ok :)

    1. So glad my post made you laugh, offered the affirmation you needed, and was relatable! Thanks for sharing, Jocelyn!

  4. It does boil down to being still and knowing that he is God--something many of us can recognize recognize as a challenge. Thanks for your deep thoughts and resources, Susan.

    1. Your kind words are a blessing, Sharon; thank you :)


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