November 15, 2017

Imperfect Word Offerings - Tracy Krauss

At the halfway mark of the month, I thought I'd start with Sandi Somers' prompt on day one:

InScriber Bryan Norford once wrote on how he is driven to pray each day before writing: "Lord, my thinking and understanding is so often fallen and distorted. I desperately need your insight and wisdom, that as I write, I may clearly express your thoughts and desires.” How does Bryan’s quote resonate with you?

Honestly, I struggled with this one - not because I don't pray or believe in the power of prayer - but because I felt inadequate. My thinking and understanding are so fallen. So distorted. Like Paul, I feel like 'the chief of sinners'. I want my words to express His thoughts and desires, but I know beyond a doubt that I fall short - a lot.  
And yet I am convinced that God wants to use me as a writer. 
I'd like to say that I pray consistently before writing, but that would be a lie. I pray more often than not, and even if I don't, I think my motivation is to always write for the Lord, even if I'm writing fiction. I have started many writing projects bathed in prayer and I have started many without. Often I am compelled to pray before hand, but sometimes I forget. I'm sure that the times I've prayed have worked out the best, but then again, as Glynis and others have pointed out, God has been gracious even when I haven't been faithful. Those are the times when my prayers - after the fact - are full of thankful humility. I'm reminded that God often uses the weakest vessels for His purposes, and boy, do I feel weak at times! Too weak to be of any real use.
This, too, is distorted thinking. For when I am weak, He is strong. There is no point beating myself up for my shortcomings. He can see past my inconsistencies. He knows my heart. And in my heart, every word is an offering - even if it's an imperfect one.  


  1. Your words echo what the Lord and I were just discussing this morning, Tracy - confirmation of what he's shown me. I thank you for your honesty.

    1. I love how you worded that - "what the Lord and i were just discussing this morning..."

  2. I can identify so clearly with what you have so beautifully and honestly written, Tracy. May God continue to bless you for who you are, what you do and how you love Him. May God continue to teach us and help us learn from Him and from one another so that we may continue to grow in our love and service for him. Amen

    1. Thank you Sharon. the same goes for you!

  3. I can relate to your post. I don't always pray before I write and yet I have some of the most meaningful conversations with God afterwards.

  4. It's interesting how many of us experience these thoughts. Thanks for verbalizing them for all of us, Tracy :)


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