April 22, 2017

Never To Be The Same! by Alan Anderson

Every so often I open up a bit to people. In this post I believe I am talking to myself more than anyone else. Perhaps that is healthy. Anyway, here goes. I hope readers find some meaning in the following words. They remind me I am in constant need of the grace of God. Nothing else will do!

My wife and I are on a spiritual journey these days. It is indeed a time of conscience examination and growth. The Christian life is never boring, that’s for sure! A whole new chapter of our God story is opening up. We are transitioning from our “Baptist” roots to orthodoxy. To us, it is new and maturing. This is not criticism. It is moving forward to us.

“When the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost, He brought a new and powerful experience of God’s presence and power in their lives. They were never the same again. The experience of God in their lives through the presence of the Holy Spirit was powerful and personal.”—Father Anthony M. Coniaris, Introducing The Orthodox Church, 1982, p. 65.

Lent, Easter, Pentecost is all about Jesus. Then again, what part of the year isn’t? It is He who loved us before the foundation of the world. The One who forgives sinners, like me. Jesus, the One who cared for the welfare of his mother, His apostles and the world, even as He hung on the cross. Our lives are all about Him! Our lives can never be the same again!

The whole Lent to Pentecost season reminds me of how complacent I can be. It reminds me that I am prone to sin. It also reminds me God still loves me. He has not forgotten me even when I may think He has. The season embraces me with the love that will not let me go. It is humbling!

For me, to write is an expression of the life I have because of Jesus, the One who paid the price of my sin. He is a reason for when I write of experiences of suffering I make no effort to hide how painful suffering may be. Without the suffering of Jesus no one would appreciate or embrace the wonder of freedom, salvation or grace. Joy would lack its enthusiasm for there would be nothing to contrast it with. Joy would just be a word.

Oh Father who gave His Son! Oh cross that made joy come to life! Oh Jesus, the Son, who gave the cross significance! Oh pain conquered through His willing sacrifice! Oh Holy spirit, through whom we have never been the same! May we forever be thankful! May joy shine from our faces!

Now and forever we will never be the same! Now and forever I will never be the same!

Questions or comments welcome dear readers!

Blog: ScarredJoy@wordpress.com


  1. This is indeed a joyful post! I am always amazed how God is bringing each us us into maturity in different ways. "Oh Father who gave His Son! Oh cross that made joy come to life! Oh Jesus, the Son, who gave the cross significance! Oh pain conquered through His willing sacrifice! Oh Holy spirit, through whom we have never been the same! May we forever be thankful! May joy shine from our faces!" this is so joyful and uplifting. thank you!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Tracy. The direction Terry and I are headed was a bit of a surprise. We are agreed to follow.

  2. I also love the adventure of discovering more aspects of God in our journey. Thanks for sharing and opening up enough for us to rejoice with you about the grace of the Easter season.

    1. Hi Marnie! It certainly is an adventure.

  3. Another great post, Alan! Enjoy the transition!

    1. Hi Vickie! You are an encourager for me. I trust you are doing well. Yes, the transition still feels a bit strange yet we are moving forward.

  4. A wonderful reminder of "how great the Father's love for us; how vast beyond all measure" and of our need for the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. It is He who draws us and He who makes the difference in our journey with Christ. Thanks for this, Alan!

    1. Hi Susan! Yes, we are not on this journey alone. Thank you so much for the encouragement.

  5. I appreciate all you are saying in this blog about spiritual growth and insights that change us forever. You gratefully acknowledge each person of our Triune Godhead. Although I am taking your blog as a whole, Alan, I identify strongly with the paragraph that begins, "For me, to write is an expression of the life I have because of Jesus, the One who paid the price of my sin."

    Lent and Easter give us a special season to consider the suffering of Christ, including what it means to us personally and what it can mean to the rest of the world who hunger to hear God's message. We are here to tell this story through our writing and through our lives

    May God bless you and your wife in the new church home to which you have been led.

    1. Hi Sharon! I appreciate you and your words so very much. Thank you for the encouragement and the blessing my friend!


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