August 05, 2015

Review Day: 7 Essential Habits of Christian Writers

7 Essential Habits of Christian Writers

Review by Tracy Krauss

Even though I read this entire collection from cover to cover in one sitting, I plan to go back and savour many of the individual pieces again. The glowing endorsements from well known authors in the 'about this book' section are not exaggerated. This truly is a treasure trove of encouragement and inspiration, with a fair bit of practical advice and lots of writing tips to boot! Each contributor's voice comes across so uniquely and I love the variety, from short stories, to poetry, to devotionals, to very practical articles.

Yes, I am a contributor, but my two short pieces are among a host of others that are worth every reading moment. I have to say that among my favourites, I love what Ruth Snyder shared about 'rocks and sand' (you'll have to read it for yourself), and Sharon Cavers amazing growing Christmas tree. Alvin Ens poem 'Why Do I Love Shakespeare' struck a chord with me (I love Shakespeare too and as an English teacher he and I have a lot in common, I think.) And what can I say about Violet Nesdoly? Every one of her poems are exquisite. (As always.) I've taken away some very practical things as well. Elaine Ingalls Hogg blew my mind with her step by step guide to holding a physical book launch (not the online variety, folks, but with real, live, people!) I could go on and on!

The point is, this is a great book. It is currently available in ebook format only, but the paperback version is set to launch at this year's fall conference. You'll want a copy - trust me. (Maybe even two.)

Purchase on amazon

Endorsements: (used with permission) 

“I love seven things about this book: It is practical. It is affordable. It is encouraging. It is worth highlighting, underlining and dog-earing. Plus it made me forget about my toothache. Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran writer, you’ll discover 7 Essential Habits of Christian Writers to be jammed with instantly actionable advice that will make you a better writer. Dig in.” 
—Phil Callaway ( is the best-selling author of more than 25 books, a popular speaker, the host of Laugh Again Radio, and a grandpa. 

“7 Essential Habits of Christian Writers is an absolute gem! I love that it covers all the basics a writer needs to know, making them simple and practical. I also love that the book has many authors, giving us ideas and suggestions from their own writing journey. I highly recommend this book to anyone seriously considering writing as a vocation or even an avocation, particularly those writers who see their work as a ministry—which it certainly is!” 
—Kathi Macias ( is an award-winning author of more than 50 books. A wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Kathi lives in Southern California with her husband, Al. 

“7 Essential Habits of Christian Writers is loaded with actionable advice that will make you a better writer. Whether you are a multi-published author or a beginning writer, this book will benefit you.” 
—Shelley Hitz, author coach and best-selling author 

“This book is a beautiful blend of faithfulness and craft. It will help you answer the practical questions of what it means to be a writer while honoring what you believe. I wish I’d read this when I got started.” 
—Jeff Goins, Best-selling author, The Art of Work 

“There are hundreds of how-to-write books on the market, but none that I know of touches BOTH of the vital aspects of writing as a Christian better than this anthology from InScribe. The practical AND the spiritual are woven into a whole by a remarkably creative group of writers who are in the trenches as we speak. I intend to snack on this fare again and again.” 
—Nancy Rue, best-selling Christian author and creator of Shadow to Shelf, a mentoring program for writers. 


  1. Congratulations Tracy, and ALL of you Inscribe writers! I am thrilled that the Christian writers all over the map will benefit from your wisdom!

  2. Thanks for this good review. I haven't finished reading the book yet, but I appreciate what I've read so far.


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