August 29, 2015

A Call to Prayer - Ruth L. Snyder

Have you ever wondered how your actions would be different if you could see activity in spiritual realms? The Bible gives us glimpses, like Satan's discussion with God about Job, Isaiah's vision of a seraphim who cleansed his unclean lips with a live coal, and Daniel's vision where the prince of the kingdom of Persia delayed the answer to his prayer by twenty-one days.

Sometimes it's easy to forget we are in a spiritual battle. However, the battle is real, whether we acknowledge it or not. Each time we as Christians write for the glory of God, we are engaging in battle. When we meet for fall conference so that we are better prepared and armed to write, we will face opposition.

Whether you are attending conference this year or not, I invite you to join the executive in prayer. Pray daily if possible. If God leads you to do so, set aside a day to fast and pray. Here are some ideas (based on ideas which Janet Sketchley "borrowed" from ACFW):

  • Promotion: that the message gets out to those who God wants to hear it
  • Enough volunteers to share the load
  • More than enough registrations to cover costs
  • Clear communication with speakers and workshop leaders
  • Registration process online to work properly
  • Fall Contest judges as they select winners
  • Sponsorships to cover some costs
  • God's Spirit to cover the Sawridge Inn and protect attendees from spiritual attacks
  • Keynote speakers: Jeff Goins, Caleb J. Seeling
  • Workshop instructors - preparation, clarity of thought, ability to explain well
  • Ruth L. Snyder (our fearless leader)
  • Conference Registrar: Gwen Mathieu
  • Bookstore preparation
  • Health and allergy protection, safety onsite
  • Divine appointments, making contacts and friends
  • Travel to/from safely and uninterrupted, belongings not to get misplaced
  • Good rest, adjustment to time zones, peace about (and protection for) families at home
  • Prayer times and worship sessions
  • Spiritual blessings and tangible presence of the Spirit
  • First-time attendees
  • Flow of creative ideas
  • Encouragement for each participant
  • For people who don't win awards or who get disappointing results from critiques or appointments
  • Banquet and celebration of Fall Contest participants
  • Launch of paperback edition of 7 Essential Habits of Christian Writers
  • Blue pencil critiques
  • Sound equipment, projectors, laptops, recordings etc to work well
  • Practical learning for each participant
  • God's anointing on whole event
  • God to surprise us
  • Participants to go home equipped and encouraged 
  • Re-entry into the “real world”
  • Protection on each one’s spirit
  • Processing of what was learned
  • Following up on opportunities and contacts
  • Enthusiasm to apply what’s learned, even with winter coming on
  • Career plans, God's leading
  • Participants to feel "courageous in becoming word warriors - that they would have a greater sense of the contribution they can make in proclaiming truth through the written word
"Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." I Corinthians 10:31


  1. wow. This is powerful Ruth. Thank you for such a specific list of things to pray about. I am printing and posting it!

  2. You're welcome. Thanks for the suggestion of printing the list. I have my copy sitting on my desk so that I'm reminded to pray when I sit down at my computer.

  3. Thanks for such an encouragement to pray. I, too will print and post it!

  4. So much to pray about--thanks for calling us all to prayer, for reminding us how significant and powerful prayer is surrounding this conference.

  5. Thanks for praying! Yes, prayer is extremely important - the best planning we can do is useless without prayer.

  6. I too appreciate the list, Ruth. I will use this list for specific prayer. Thanks.


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