August 24, 2014

What If's? by Lynn Dove

What if I had a whole year free to write?  There have been movies about that kind of a plot line where an author goes off by himself/herself for a lengthy period of time to write the next great best-seller.  As I recall in some of those movies like "Secret Window" or "Misery" or "The Shining", it does not end well for the writer.  Of course that sort of scenario only happens in Stephen King novels, right?

Personally, I think a year dedicated to the craft of writing may be idyllic but I know it would turn out horrific for me and here's why.

I procrastinate.

I would spend the year dedicated towards writing doing everything else but write.  For me, I need the deadlines, the fixed schedule, the required daily discipline necessary to stay focused to be able to write.  I am a pressure writer, I actually thrive under it. 

There are writers who would be able to lay out a daily writing schedule for a year and stick to it.  I applaud them, but that's not me!  I would likely start the year off with set goals and long-range plans but like most New Year's resolutions, within a month of best intentions, I wouldn't have accomplished much and the guilt at having squandered the opportunity would likely create a writer's block that would take me eleven months to overcome.

In the meantime, I would have learned how to cook, garden, paint and anything else that caught my fancy over that time.  I would have read countless novels, taken good, long walks, spent more time on Pinterest (than I already do now), and would only have a few of my own written lines to merit an editor's cursory glance.

Instead, I would prefer a year dedicated to learning about the craft of writing; taking courses, joining writing groups, attending conferences, traveling to book fairs and actually hob-nobbing with other authors for inspiration and encouragement.  THAT would be my idea of idyllic and I would consider that a year well spent! 

(On a side note: The InScribe Writer's Conference is at the end of September and unfortunately my schedule will not permit me to attend this year.  I attended a couple of years back and enjoyed myself thoroughly.  Know that my thoughts and prayers will be with all the attendees at this year's conference!)

Connect with Lynn on her award-winning blog, "Journey Thoughts"


  1. I connected to your post, and I'm guessing the procrastinators are plentiful. I'm not sure who said it, but I agree, "If it weren't for the last minute, a lot of things wouldn't get done."
    Thanks for the post!

  2. I enjoyed your post. I sometimes tend to procrastinate when it's something I don't look forward to. But I'm not good under pressure so I need dead lines but I also like plenty of time to get the task done and like you I find myself doing many other things than the ones I'm supposed to be doing. We're not alone!

  3. Hi Lynn,
    I am like you that way too! A year of writing conferences and reading about writing would be grand! But I must admit, once I get down to writing, I do really enjoy it, as I'm sure you do too! Now, back to my writing course . . .


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