August 17, 2014

I'M THERE! WELL, SORT OF Bryan Norford

To have unlimited time, space, and finances to indulge in a writing compulsion is the fantasy of us all, but it seems to me, an unrealistic and pointless pipe dream. Unless, perhaps, it sparks some selfie encouragement: “I can do this,” or at least squeezes a little more time and money by judicious rearrangement.

But, believe it or not, I have finally arrived at that writers’ paradise where all those dreams have come true. Well, almost. Let me explain.

Being retired, I have, apparently, all the time in the world to spend on myself. Mind you, I still have to take out the garbage, fill up the car, pay the bills, and suchlike, but really negligible time demanded by my married status. No excuse here.

As for space, I have my own well equipped workplace, bookshelves to hand, and a deep closet that can house a filing cabinet. No more fighting over counter space to plant my laptop. Ann, too, has her own space which avoids conflict with mine. Okay, okay! It is smaller than mine, but she likes to be near the kitchen. She says the juices flow while the soup simmers.

Last, I really don’t have all the money I require, but the industry has provided free publishing and digital printing that allows me to buy one or a thousand books at the same reasonable price. The advantage, beyond cool costs: I don’t have to fill my basement with a thousand books of every title. I can store the few I need in my deep closet.

So, as you see, I’ve got it made. So how do I spend my time? You tell me! I can’t remember too well. It seems to leak out of every corner of my life. In fact, as you’ve probably heard, I don’t know when I had time to work. And the writing I planned is in my head, incomplete, unchecked, or still in the bucket.

It appears that although I have all the time I want, there are more demands on it: others’ needs, recreation, family togetherness, that great time waster—in my opinion—sho-o-o-opping, and, of course, ministry and time to enjoy the pleasure of His company.

Absurdly, with all the benefits I desire, I still do not produce the amazing works of art that you, dear InScribers, accomplish with less. It is not the availability or lack of resources upon which great work depends, but on the inspiration God graciously provides.

Deprivation frequently provides depth to art, affluence often stunts it. It’s His resources that advance the Kingdom. What ever we have are only tools for His service. The bottom line is not our assessment of time, money, or resources, for He will provide whatever we need—much or little—to accomplish what He requires of us.

But, if I’m honest, I do enjoy my comfortable space—for which I am daily grateful. 


  1. I enjoyed your post and honesty. It seems that most people not retired believe that once you are retired, you have been granted all the time in the world yet that usually is not the case. I've have a few years to go but I'm not holding out for more writing time then either. Glad to hear that you seem pretty content with where you. Keep on writing!

  2. Ah, the wisdom of one who has arrived. If this is true, Bryan, and I have no reason to doubt you, I guess i'll lay aside any procrastination based on 'when I retire', and knuckle down as the Lord leads.

    Thanks for sharing

  3. First, I loved the personal photos. They really bring your descriptions to life. (Or is it the other way around?) Second. I find it amusing (and absolutely true!) that the more time we 'have' the more time we seem to not have. (If that makes sense...)I really enjoyed this post. We all have the same amount if time i a day. It is really about what we choose to do with it - and more importantly, what we do for God with our time.

  4. I enjoyed your post too, Bryan. It is so nice to get a glimpse into how other people get organized and how they view their writing time. Here I thought that I would have so much more time when retired, but like you alluded, there are just as many, if not more, demands on your time in that season of life! I also appreciated this thought of yours:
    "Deprivation frequently provides depth to art, affluence often stunts it." Well said!
    Pam Mytroen

  5. Thank-you for this post ... I agree, when we are supposed to have all this time in the world, it takes on a different focus as well.
    Blessings in the continued writing, not just the writing, but in the making of a meaningful retirement.

  6. I am half-way there, empty nester but not retired, and I too find it easy to fill up what I initially considered to be "free" time. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I do like your writing spaces.


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