March 21, 2014

Step Right Up for Grace (or Controversy) by Jocelyn Faire

The Economy of GRACE

The Articulate Laws of Grace as
Defined by article R6:14,15 and E2:8,9 and
further redefined in church bylaws:

Grace shall be extended to all who enter here:

Those who are weak and infirmed, please take a number
as you are important to us; however we are currently experiencing a huge backlog of calls from those with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome—excessive page turning. 
The lepers and divorcees shall move to the left for Eucharist
If you are feeling slightly confused
Just sit in the middle, we're all in this together.
For a hug please line up near the front
We would like you to be seen, so that we can pray for you,
Could you fill in this questionnaire prior to stepping forward,
This helps us efficiently pray for your needs.

LGBTQ*—sorry, we don't have that in our Matthew Henry commentary.
The coin box for the two mites is located near the washroom,
Those funds are used to purchase our hand sanitizer;
I'm sure you can recognize the importance of this work.
There is a special table for those of you trying to receive Grace
Without having forgiven your brother first,
Please check the “I forgive everyone” card and hand it to the nearest usher
who will be happy to assist when your number comes up.
Visually impaired? 
Next to the log/splinter remover.
Trouble hearing?
Let us notch up the rhetoric by ten decibels.
If you're feeling lonely, please register online
at: www.lonelinesssucksandwe'
If it takes awhile for the grace to be felt at the end
of the hose, please step a little closer 
We'd like to shower you with love.
Please bear with us:
We're still working on some technical details.
   *(LGBTQ - Lesbian/Gay/Bi-sexual/Transgendered/Queer-politically correct term)               

Sometimes I wonder if the word which became flesh, has been turned back into words and technology.

Sadly, I feel that the church has lost its rightful gentle voice in the area of controversy, for several reasons: we don't know what to say, we remain aloof from the conversation, cocooned in our niceties or find it too easy to pass judgement, or seem unaware of the controversy within our sanctioned walls. 

I have experienced too many people express the sentiment that:
“The church is a place for couples, families and those who have their proverbial act together.” 

While in Australia, I attended a church where the lead pastor always welcomed everyone with a:
We recognize that we are all on this journey, and wherever you are is okay with us. We just hope to encourage you in your journey and bring you closer to a relationship with God.
While there are many great things happening in church, there is always room for improvement.

If we know anything at this stage, we know that we are all in this together and that we are all equally naked underneath our clothes. ~ Richard Rohr from his book Falling Upward.


  1. Thank-you for this humorous, poignant piece!

  2. You blew me away, Jocelyn. I know a few people who will chortle at this as I did.

    Sadly, I also know a few who will wonder why I'm laughing.

    Many will furrow their brows, trying to decide if they dare laugh, or, more properly, rebuke.

    Great piece. I will share it on my FB and see who says what. :)

  3. Thank-you Bobbi Jr and Janet for comments, in my former life as a 3rd from the font bench church-goer, I wouldn't have believed or agreed with this. Experience has shown me another side. I had a lot of inner debates and prayer over this piece before I hit the "publish" button.

  4. Very funny, but as someone already said, also made me think...

  5. You bring a good message to all of us with this brilliant satire. You do the genre justice. Perhaps we can all chuckle sheepishly, or, by God's grace, grow out of our foibles and foolishness.

  6. “We recognize that we are all on this journey, and wherever you are is okay with us. We just hope to encourage you in your journey and bring you closer to a relationship with God.”

    If we know anything at this stage, we know that we are all in this together and that we are all equally naked underneath our clothes. ~ Richard Rohr

    Thank you for those great quotes/thoughts, Jocelyn!

    Pam Mytroen


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