January 24, 2014

Blogging for God - Lynn Dove

Someone told me when I published my first book to start a blog.  So I started blogging five years ago basically to promote my books.  I really had no thought about content or outreach, it was all about marketing and promotion.  I honestly had no idea what "blogging" really was and I had no idea that a blog could have a potential for a world-wide audience.  It was when I started to gain followers and more and more people started to comment on the content I posted, that I realized that blogging had the potential to be a ministry.

This past year, I have seen God take my little musings and expand my reading audience world wide.  I have followers who contact me and ask for prayer...many of them from countries that are considered "dark" and believers persecuted harshly for their faith.  I am humbled and at times saddened that total strangers are so desperate for prayer that they contact me, a stranger to them personally, to ask for prayer.  It is the least I can do for them.

I have been discouraged at times by dwindling book sales and have often questioned the Lord as to why He wanted me to write and publish in the first place.  I never thought about it before, but I wonder if publishing my books was just an avenue that led me to blogging?  Perhaps it was not my books, although the Lord has certainly blessed that effort immeasurably, but the blog that has given me a ministry the likes I would never have realized had it not been for my need initially to promote my books with my blog. 

It is a lot of effort.  It requires much devotion and passion to write regularly and write timely posts that appeal to a large audience.  I find I spend far less time promoting my books as a result of my blog but book sales have still held steady because people who read my blog venture to read the books as well.  Some authors may call this a means to an end, and that's what I thought five years ago to be sure, but I have a whole new mind set now.

For me it's not about using my blog to get people to buy my books per se, it's blogging to bring a message of hope and Truth to people who hunger and thirst for spiritual food.  This past year, rather than promoting my books as much on the blog, I have been devoting myself primarily to writing for His Glory on my Journey Thoughts blog and God has blessed those efforts in ways I could not have imagined.

Christian writers, do not stop writing.  If God has called you to write a book...write a book.  If God has called you to write poetry, write rhyme and verse.  If God has called you to blog, blog!  Use your talent to bring honour and glory to God in everything you write!

Lynn Dove calls herself a Christ-follower, a wife, a mom, a grandmother, a teacher and a writer (in that order). She is the author of award winning books: The Wounded Trilogy. Her blog, Journey Thoughts won a Canadian Christian Writing Award - 2011. She has also had essays published in "Mother of Pearl: Luminous Lessons and Iridescent Faith" and "Chicken Soup for the Soul - Parenthood" (March 2013),  Devotional Stories for Wives: 101 Daily Devotions to Comfort, Encourage, and Inspire You (Sept. 2013) O Canada The Wonders of Winter: 101 Stories about Bad Weather, Good Times, and Great Sports (Nov. 2013) and Miracles Happen: 101 Inspirational Stories about Hope, Answered Prayers, and Divine Intervention (Feb. 14).  She was most recently awarded Literary Classics International Book Awards - Seal of Approval and Silver Medal in Young Adult Faith-based fiction for her book Love the Wounded.  Readers may connect with Lynn on Facebook, Twitter and on her blog Journey Thoughts 


  1. Dear Lynn,
    I, too, have had the realization that the Lord has happily taken me through what we humans would consider a life course change of great import, only to find it was a portal to some (seemingly) little thing which appears to have been his real goal for me all along.

    Your Grand Plan was to promote your books, and the blog seemed to be an obligatory step in the process. It appears that in addition to your books, his plan also included bringing a prayer warrior to the dark corners of the earth.

    What I love most about our Lord's planning department is his amazing efficiency in using every step in these processes to grow us and to bless others. Nothing he does is a means to an end. Ultimately each act of obedience is an end in itself.

    Thank you for sharing how your blog has grown. You have encouraged me. My own blogging efforts reach a small following, but the gentle burden to post continues. I will obey.

    Blessings on your ministry, Lynn.

  2. Thank you Lynn. Your words have spurred me on to keep on writing and sharing about The Lord in whatever means He gives us. May God bless you as you continue to share!
    Pam M.

  3. Lynn, thanks for sharing your blogging journey with us. It's interesting how God steers us into His plan, gently unfolding it in His time and way. We just have to follow one step at a time and listen to that still small voice.

  4. Thanks, Lynn, for your inspiring story of how God is using your blog to spread the message of God's love to needy people around the world. Someone on the InScribe blog recently commented that we should write our plans in pencil and let God do the writing in ink. (Sorry, I can't recall who wrote this or how that person said it.)

    I pray that all of us will allow God to be the architect of our life plan.

  5. Lynn,

    Some good thoughts about the varied reason people blog.

    Blogging has always been a great joy for me, as I've met so many wonderful kindred hearts this way. And like you, have had opportunities to bless others with prayers and encouragement, just as I've been ministered to in return.

    I popped over to your own blog and enjoyed my wee visit there. I'll come again.

    I liked your last paragraph... to just write whatever we're called to write...it all counts as we touch people's lives for the Kingdom.

    Blog Moderator

  6. Thank you for your encouragement! I appreciate all of you InScribers so much. I am blessed to be amongst such skilled writers and those who mentor me in all my writing endeavors. Blessings to you all!


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