January 20, 2014

Birthday Reflections and Gifts by Brenda J Wood

How did I get to be this old? Honestly! How did that happen? So many memories, so much life lived and so much life missed. All from choice of course.

Would I change things? Mostly not. I am sincerely content that I did not go over Niagara Falls in a barrel or attempt to climb Mount Everest. I guess I should have grabbed certain other opportunities or worked harder to achieve some goals.

On the plus side, I'm still standing in spite of childhood abuse, an eating disorder, and two bouts of cancer. Memories of deep love and a long, happy marriage sustain me, though I still struggle with widowhood. Surrounded by caring family and friends, I move into another year with thanksgiving.

Some would call my years difficult, when in fact the presence of Jesus Christ in my life, turned my many sufferings into joy. Before I knew him, I was an empty, lost, wandering soul. Someone cared enough about me to introduce us via this prayer.

Dear Lord Jesus; 

I do believe that you are the Son of God and that you died on the cross to pay the price for my sin. I believe that you rose from the dead and that you’re alive right now. Please come into my life. Forgive my sin. Make me a member of your family.  I now turn from going my own way.I want you to be the center of my life. Thank you for your gift of eternal life and for your Holy Spirit who has come to live in me.Amen

Perhaps you have already prayed it yourself. If not, it's never too late. It will change your life as you cling to its truth. You see, Jesus is all there is, and Jesus is absolutely enough. Happy Birthday to you, from me.

Brenda J Wood

Graphic source:  GlitterGraphics.com


  1. This is so beautiful, Brenda. thanks for sharing!!

  2. Oh, my, Brenda, how well said! Thanks.

  3. Brenda, this is so beautiful.

    I wish you a happy birthday too.

    I totally relate to your comment about how some would call your years difficult, when in fact the presence of Jesus Christ in your life, turned your many sufferings into joy.

    I have found that no matter what the sorrow or darkness or pain, there is His presence and His joy in the midst that makes it wonderful, in spite of it all.

    I'd like to know how He does that!

    Many blessings to you,
    Brenda L.


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