October 15, 2012

Life Is a Highway - Tracy Krauss

I recently had the privilege of speaking to a group of women at a ladies retreat at beautiful Camp Sagitawa, BC. I called my sessions 'Life Is A Highway' since the theme centred around the 70th anniversary of the Alaska Highway. For those who don't know, the Alaska Highway was built in an astonishing 8 months. That's 2700 km or 1400 miles over bogs, permafrost, mountains and raging rivers, all using 1942 technology.

It was constructed during World War II for the purpose of connecting the ‘lower 48’ US states with Alaska. Of course, if you know anything about the history of WW II, the US came into the war after the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, and if you look at a map of the world, you’ll see that Alaska itself, especially the islands known as the Aleutian Islands, are very close to Japan. A potential Japanese invasion of North America was a real threat and the US saw the need for an air base where they could quickly deploy fighter craft if they needed to defend NA from this Japanese invasion.

The highway itself stretches from Dawson Creek, (mile ‘0’) and it officially ends in Delta Junction, Alaska, where it then hooks up with another existing highway to Fairbanks, a predominantly military town. Sometime after the war ended, the Canadian government took over the ownership and maintenance of the highway, and it has since been upgraded and shortened. It is no longer the treacherous journey that it once was, although there are still some pretty winding, narrow parts.

I was very excited to speak at the retreat since I have a special bond with that highway. I’ve lived at three different locations along the highway – Fort St. John, BC; Dawson Creek, BC;and Watson Lake, Yukon. I’ve also traveled every inch of it from Dawson Creek to Delta Junction, and beyond.

The theme was a perfect metaphor for talking about life as a highway - a road trip of sorts, and I was able to share many personal experiences about God's faithfulness along my own journey.

My life's journey has been fraught with trials, 'ah ha' moments, and examples of God's obvious provision and protection. But along the way I have learned that He will never leave you nor forsake you. I have learned to be thankful for each and every thing that has come my way, knowing that God sees the bigger picture and knows what lies ahead on the road. The key verse came from Luke 24: 32 which says, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road…?”

I hope that is your experience, also – that God’s words are burning within you on this journey we call life.

If you'd like to read more on this topic you can visit my blog 'Tracy Krauss Expression Express'. I am posting weekly from my 'Life Is a Highway' sessions. Just enter 'Life Is a Highway' in the search box and all the posts will come up.


  1. What a beautiful place to live! I'm sure it had its rugged moments, though, too. I will check out your blog. Thanks, Tracy!

  2. We have enjoyed life in the north for sure. I THINK this picture is taken near a place called 'Rancheria' in the Yukon...

  3. I say a bit Amen to all what you've written about God's faithfulness. "Trust and obey" are His call to us and when we learn to do that by faith, even if you stand at the edge of the cliff, you know for sure His arms will be there to catch you. His timing is always perfect for if He has shown up eary, we may not have learned to trust Him as we do standing at the edge.
    Life is truly a Highway, but it's not the destination, but the journey we need to enjoy amidst potholes and foggy view. Life becomes an adventure, when we allow the Lord to sit on the driver's seat.

  4. Sorry for the error in my earlier comment. It should read "I say a big Amen," instead of bit Amen.


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