September 15, 2012

In Praise of Timely Tips - Tracy Krauss

There have been so many great resources and tips this month - and I mean SO MANY, that I almost wondered if I had anything new to share. For instance, Violet Nesdoly's post on taking control of your social networking was practical and very useful. I'm checking out both of her suggestions in hopes of using them in the near future.

As well, Ruth Snyder's post entitled, "5 Reasons Why Writers Should Use Twitter' demystified this social networking powerhouse and put it in its place - as a useful tool. Thanks Ruth!

I loved what Brenda Leyland had to say recently, (I'm not sure if it was here or in an email) when she encouraged people to subscribe to this blog via email. I try not to get too many blogs coming through my email, because I've got too much stuff going there as it is, but I took this small piece of advice and am I ever glad I did. I haven't missed a post all month and there have been so many great tips and articles that I might have missed otherwise.

Lest I become like one of my junior high English students wondering if I've reached my prescribed 'word count' for this post, I will post a few tips of my own before signing off for another month.

1. Make it easy for people to follow you. One thing I like about 'Blogger' is the 'Follow' widget, rather than having to sign up to follow a blog. (Although I just praised the email option a moment ago.) This should be near the top of the page and clearly visible. The same goes for links to your facebook page or twitter. I visit a lot of other people's sites and try to follow or like as many as possible, but if I have to go searching to do so, I probably won't.

2. Make it easy for people to share. I use a widget called 'Add this" and again, it should be in a spot where it can be easily found. Some people have sharing options at the end of each post, and on blogger there is the 'Share' at the top of the page. Still, widgets like 'Add this' make it possible for people to share on a whole host of sites. I use this myself every time I post, sharing my latest blog post on several of my other social networking sites. It takes just five minutes a day or less!

3. Make your own life easier by automating as much as possible. Make sure your blog is set up to automatically share new posts to facebook and twitter and anywhere else that allows. I also have the RSS feed set to share my blog everywhere I see this option: my Amazon author page; all of my 'ning' networks; goodreads ... As well, my goodreads account is linked to my facebook; my ning networks, linkedin and myspace are linked to twitter ... It's like a giant 'web'. Link as many things together as possible and you will save time in posting to each individually.

We are all pressed for time these days. The key is to find simple ways to make your online tasks easier and more efficient. Hope you find these tips helpful and easy to implement!

Tracy Krauss is a multi-published author and playwright. Check out her website for details.


  1. I'm taking your tips to heart... especially #3. (I've been wanting to do that, but you give a frame in how to do it, so now it doesn't seem so daunting as I wonder where to begin.)

    Thanks, Tracy!

  2. Thanks, Tracy. I could learn so much from you on using technology to advantage. You are an inspiration in so many ways. May God bless your work for him.

  3. I have been on a constant learning curve since starting this adventure four years ago. Most of it has been by trial and error, often as I 'came across' a bit of advice on other blogs etc. I'm happy to share what little knowledge I have, knowing that someone else is probably going to help me in the near future.

  4. Thanks for your tips Tracy! I will be coming back here for a visit!
    Pam M.

  5. I agree with the other commenters and will add that this little article has helped me navigate further into the mystery that is "" :-) More ideas for widgets - hurray! Thanks, Tracy.


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