September 14, 2012

Free Writing Resources by Pam Mytroen

Depending on whether I'm writing non-fiction or fiction, I use different online resources to help me. Here’s a few of my favourites that you might like to try out, too. They’re all free:

NON-FICTION RESOURCES: (This is also a fiction resource)

Their free online newsletter has tons of writing suggestions. It also lists books for sale, good online workshops you can take to improve your writing, (I’ve taken two), upcoming conferences, contests, and markets. If you’re not interested in all the paid resources, just read the free columns. They’re always brief and very up to date.


Jim is a Christian author, columnist, speaker, and teacher. I check out his blog occasionally called I like to write in his style so I study his columns, but I also enjoy reading them for the humor and writing tips he shares. He also includes other bloggers on his site such as Mary DeMuth.

A daily word from their thesaurus is dropped into my inbox with an explanation, and usually a current event to go with it. Sorry, this one’s not free, but for about $20/year I am expanding my vocabulary and finding daily inspiration.


Randy Ingermanson’s free email newsletter is always fun to read and has pertinent writing advice. He studies current novels and derives writing principles which he delivers in an entertaining and brief format.  See

This online therapy service offers tongue-in-cheek therapy for your developing cast. Jeannie Campbell, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist gives tested and true advice to bring your characters to life, and to give them believable problems and solutions.


Follow a group of unpublished authors to publication and learn along with them through their mistakes and rejections, and ultimately a book cover.   

This is a literary agency with some well-known agents such as Rachelle Gardner and Chuck Sambuchino. If you’re not interested in procuring an agent, then just focus on their excellent writing advice. (Michael Hyatt says every writer should be following Rachelle Gardner!). is the the author of Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World (Thomas Nelson). It is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today  bestseller.  He is also the former Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers. His blog is focused on “intentional leadership.” Hyatt is very generous with his writing advice, including a link for how to set up your own Word Press Blog.


The Bible! I like the NIV Archaeological Study Bible by Zondervan. Every book is prefaced by historical information backed up by archaeological finds. It’s fascinating and has deepened my appreciation of God’s accurate Word. Ann Voskamp shares daily reflections from life. It helps me to see wonder and holiness in my every day life. She also has the greatest links.

M inbox is inundated daily with the above resources. Any suggestions on how you handle your own flood of writing helps?

Pam Mytroen


  1. Thanks for the many resources you highlighted, Pam. Some I am familiar with and others are brand new to me. Certainly in our day finding resources is not the challenge, but picking and choosing the ones that are most helpful to us at the stage we're at in our writing.

  2. Thanks for your list, Pam. You and Ruth are both correct in saying that choosing and managing all these resources can be time consuming. Still I like to check out some of the sites recommended from our co-writers at Inscribe. Some will catch my interest more than others.

  3. Thanks Pam - these are great resources

  4. Thanks girls. It's always fun to try out a new blog or website and see what interesting tips you can pick up!
    Pam M.

  5. Pam I tracked you down after leaving a comment on my blog which you found from Tribe Writers. Just wanted again to say thank you for taking the time to comment. Makes this writer (me) happy that someone reads her writing/blog.


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