September 09, 2012

I Write, Therefore I Am - Shirley S. Tye

That’s a saying on a plastic mug. That places a great deal of importance on writing and ties an individual’s character and very being to a task. I enjoy writing but it doesn’t define me. However, at times my imagination tends to rule as it runs into high gear distracting me with mini movies that flash across my mind’s eye. Some of them are funny and I laugh out loud – a little embarrassing in public. Wish I could write fast enough to record them.

I’ve learned a lot through various venues: reading novels and books about writing and editing, taking writing courses, attending workshops, and “listening” to tidbits of information exchanged on writing groups’ listservs. There are many talented people willing to share their knowledge. Some courses have been in actual classroom settings and one was a correspondence course with the Institute of Children’s Literature. Two were via email: a devotional writing course taught by Marcia Laycock and a course about promoting one’s writing by speaking taught by Randy Ingermanson.

Am I a good writer? Well, I think so. But not all readers and editors agree. Writing is an art and each writer has his/her own unique style of expression, readers have their preferences, and editors have the ability to spot weak areas and the knowledge to determine whether a manuscript is saleable or not. Because I enjoy writing, I’ll keep learning and I’ll keep practicing.

The art of writing can be addictive; seeing words transforming into a mental video; the feel of a well balanced pen; the aroma of a recently sharpened pencil; the clicking of a key board; the magical appearance of words on the computer screen…excuse me, gotta run! Another pen is calling me.


  1. Hi Shirley,

    You are so right about us not being defined by our writing, and yet how tempting it is. I'm so thankful, when I haven't written for awhile, or when I face rejection slips, that my identity is solid in Jesus!

    Pam M.

  2. Shirley,
    I love your title. I read Jeff Goins book - I am a writer - and that made me realize I am.

    What I have to learn is not to write for "man" but for God and if I do that I don't have to worry about rejection or being proud or being a failure.

    Keep writing - God wants us to write.


  3. It's true that we shouldn't define ourselves by one aspect of our lives. I think for me, though, writing is probably the activity that drives my passion the most, even though I also enjoy other creative outlets.


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